Part 2: Birthday Surpise

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After finally making it to the Lightfoot residence. I knock on the door, soon hearing someone inside call

"Its open!" I hear them call out

Entering myself inside, seeing Barely and Ian mother inside the kitchen

"Morning Ms. Lightfoot!" I call her name

Before I can take one step I was soon tackled down by their pet dragon, Blazey.

"Blazey, down!" Ms. Lightfoot called him, grabbing a spray and spraying him with water

"Blazey get off Hoover! She dosent have time to play with you today!" She tells him as she kept on spraying him. He soon gets off and runs away

"I'm sorry Hoover, you know how excited he gets whenever you come over" Ms. Lightfoot apologized helping me get up

"Ahw dont worry, I'm happy to see him too. Is everyone awake?" I ask her

Turning over to the kitchen, Barley head stuck out and waved

"Hoover! You made It!" Barley walks over to me as Ms. Lightfoot smiled and walked over to the kitchen

"I told you I was going to make it" I tell as we both walk along side to their table which was filled with Barely board game cards and books

"Never said you weren't going to make it. Anyways are you hungry?" He asked me, before answering Ms. Lightfoot called in

"We don't have much food, still have to go the grocery store" she says drinking her water

"That's okay, beside I already ate something before I left my house"

"That's awesome to hear, hey! Hoover! Can you maybe help me fix my cards again? Last time I dropped them on accident" Barley call for my help as we make it to his table filled with his board games

"Again? You somehow always manage to drop you're cards"

"Hey! I did say it was on accident, beside last night was super dark!"

"And that's why I always tell you to take a flashlight with you" I smile to him, he makes a quirky smile before I start helping him line down his cards

"Morning everyone?" Looking behind me, Ian smiled nervously at us and waved

"Happy Birthday, Mr. Adult Man!" Ms. Lightfoot greeted him with kisses all over his cheeks. Giggling a little at Ms Lightfoot affection towards her boys, it's sweet

"No, mom! Mom we have a guest here!" Ian blushed in embarrassment but smiled at her wiping away his cheeks

"Oh don't worry. It's just Hoover, she's family and also don't wipe off my kisses." She says before looking down at Ian sweater, she gasps softly


"You're wearing your dad's sweatshirt."

"Oh. You know. Finally fits"

"Aw, my little chubby cheeks is all grown up!" She cried happily, about to tackle him with kisses again Ian blocks it and giggles

"Okay okay Mom, I gotta eat something before school" he says, standing up I smile at Ian happily

"Happy Birthday Ian! Today's a big day ain't it?" I congratulate him, patting his back

"It is, thanks Hoover. By the way why are you here early?" He ask turning to the fridge

"Wanted to congratulate you before you left for school!" I tell him, turning over to the table seeing Barely hiding at the hallway. Hushing me not to say he's hiding, winking at him i sit back down at my chair turning the blind eye

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon