Part 1: Long Time Ago

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"Long ago,

The world was full of Wonder. It was adventurous...exciting...and best of all, there was magic.

And that magic helped all in need, but it wasn't easy to master. So, the world found a simpler way to get by.

Over time...magic faded away.

But I hope...there's a little magic left in you."

Many Year's Later....

(Hoover Pov)


"Mmmnngg...I get it, I get it..I have to wake up." I groaned, pulling off the cord connected to my alarm clock. Finally hearing nothing but peace and quiet I start to close my eyes as I soon drift back to sleep...


"Grrrr...!!! Now what..?!?" Sitting up, looking over my desk seeing my phone vibrating along side a catchy ringtone from the mid-evil times

Picking up my phone I bring it close to my ear while yawning.

"W...who is this--?"

"MY FARE MADEN!" A loud Barely I hear at the other line against my ear making me almost fall off my bed, already wide awake by his loud outburst

"Barely! Shhh..! I just woken up." I tell him

"Oop, sorry didn't mean to scare you like that!" He apologized making me smile

"That's alright, anyways what's up? Why are you calling me..." I trace my words as I turn to look down my phone, it was 7:10

"--this early in the morning?" I ask him bringing my phone against my ear again

"Well today's a rreeaaally special day! Did you forget?" He asked me

Kicking my feet over my bed, sitting on my bed confused by what he's referring

"Today's...Monday?" I ask him, hearing Barely giggle at the other end of the line

"...what..? Am I wrong?"

"No silly--I mean, today is Monday you're not wrong about that. You see today's..." before he can finish, I turn over to my calender hang onto my door. A big red circle was on it. Instantly remembering what today is.

"Oooh SNAP! Today's Ian's birthday!" I freak out putting my phone on top of my bed as I leave it on speaker

"That's right! I can't believe you forgo--"

"I-I didn't forget! Barely I just woken up. I was still half a sleep!" I yell to him taking off my pajama t-shirt as I start to change into my casual clothes

"Good point. But didn't you say you were gonna get here early?" He questioned

'The alarm clock! Damn you Hoover! How can you be this irresponsible??!'

"I..I did put on an alarm clock. I'm sorry Barely!" I apologized putting on my pants

"Don't sweat It! I'm sure you'll get here soon before Ian leaves for school--"

Tripping over some clothing onto the floor, making me fall backwards. A huge thud was heard, hurting my butt as I groan in pain

"Hoover? Are you okay..? Did you trip again?" Barely mocked me. Sitting up, looking over at my phone feeling my cheeks start to heat up

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Where stories live. Discover now