Part 6: On a Quest

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(Hoover Pov)

Sitting infront of Barley and Ians father, he taps his feet. At the moment, Barleys giving the passport of two since I don't have my passport ID at hand. So I have to stay silent.

'Let's just hope Barley and Ian sees therye father on time..'

The van starts moving, Ian opens the curtains and smiles.

"I think you can take the front seat now Hoover" Ian says

"Sure thing." Switching us from our position, I'm sure Ian just wants to talk to his dad

"So, bedtime 9:00?" Barley teased me, rolling my eyes as I shove him softly

"Shut up. You know how my dad is"

"Yep, some time aringly overprotective yet, lovable and caring" he tells me

"Anyway, it's just, like, this award for math. It's no big deal. But I'll show you when we get back home." Ian talk to his dad legs, looking back seeing his feet tap

"Are you nervous to meet your dad Ian? This is your big day" I ask him

"I'm not actually, I'm, really excited to talk to him"

"Hey, uh, what are you two chatty charlies up to right here?" Barley asks us

"He's just talking to dad legs, right Ian?" I ask him

"Uh, you know. I felt wierd talking to Dad without a top half, so...Ta-da!" Ian pulls out an upper body disguise with some shades (btw the pink shades were Hoover but Barley kept them in his van) his sweat shirt with another sweat shirt without sleeves and a hat. It's better than nothing.

"Oh that's great! Dad, you look just like I remember. Hey don't worry, we'll have the rest of you here before you know it." Barley says, therye dad moves forward, the sleeves stuffed with something toppled his upper body over my head and wings. Ian helping him sit down

"And then, first thing im gonna do introduce you to Guinevere And! My good friend Hoover" Barley smiles at his van and me

'Never have I thought I would get jealous over a van in my entire life.'

"You rebuilt her from scratch, I'm sure your dad will be proud of ya Barley" I tell him

"Thank you, Hoover! Nice to know you'll always have my back, besides! I even fixed the lug nuts to the air conditioning." He says turning it on


Turned on, in high force. The wind blew hard against us. My wings and hair flew back as therye father upper body flew back. Ian comes in and turns it off. Sighing in relief, legs sits down and relaxes in the back of the van. Ian stands between us and looks over the road.

"Showing Dad your van? I understand introducing Dad to Hoover but your van? That's your whole list?" Ian ask taking out a small notebook in hand and pen

"What list?" Barley ask, looking over his brother

"O-oh! Uh.."

"Whats that?" Barley looks over to Ian and smiles while watching the road the same time.

"I'm just working on a list of things I wanted to do with Dad. You know, play catch, take a walk, driving lessons. Share my whole life story with him." Ian shares with Barley.

"That's cool, Oh! But before you cast Dads spell again, you're gonna have to practice your magic." Barley tells Ian, giving him the book of spells board game

"*sighs* This book is for a game." Ian tells Barley tiredly

"I told you, everything in Quests of Yore is historically accurate. Even the spells. So, start practicing, young sorcerer." Barley declares, Ian sighs heavily and looks over to me.

"Barley does have a point, you do gotta practice your magic in order to master brining your dad upper half back" I tell him

"Okay...Dad, let's try some magic." Ian says sitting down and opens the first book.

(Hours later...)

Laying onto one of Barleys bean bags, being covered onto Barleys hoodies, keeping me warm from these cold nights within these woods. Ian sitting at my seat after taking turns.

"Aloft Elevar. Aloft Elevar! I can't get this levitation spell to work. Maybe I  could try something else? Like Arcane Lighting?" Ian ask in question, Barley scoffs

"Yeah, like a level-one mage could burst out the hardest spell in the Enchanters Guide Book. *chuckles* Maybe we'll stick with the easy ones." Barley turns the page back to page one from level one.

"Yeah, well, it's not working. Am I saying it wrong?"

"Well, mmm, you said it right. It's just, for any spell to work, you have to speak from your heart's fire"

"My what?"

"Your hearts fire. You must speak with passion. Don't hold back!" Barleys goes back into the wheel

"Aloft Elevar!"

"No, like Aloft Elevar!"

"Aloft Elevar!"

"No, from your hearts fire!"

"Aloft Elevar!!"

"Don't hold back!"

"Aloft Elevar!!!!"

"Hearts fire!!"

"Will you two give it a break??? It's pretty dark around here and scary.." I say curling myself up into a ball looking around the dark. Ian and Barley start talking to eachother as I sit back and try to stay warm, before feeling a tap do ontop of my feet

Looking over seeing Ian and Barleys dad, his foot over mines. Giving a soft push onto my feet. In a reassuring me it's okay.

"Hey! It looks like dad already knows you Hoover! Dad, Hoover. Hoover, dad"

"*chuckles* I already who your dad is Barley. Sorry, not used to the dark ever since little.." I tell them both

"Don't worry. Gather your courage, men. And maiden. We've arrived. The Manticore's Tavern. " Barley announces, me and Ian stood up looking over Barleys direction. Color me wrong, it still standing even after all these years..

"Huh. It is still here." Ian says amazed by the old building

"Yeah, I told you." Barley says, setting us for parking. Getting out, taking off Barleys hoodie. I walk slowly beside Barley, each and every small sound I hear, i start to freak out.

"Come on Hoover, you can't be that scared of the dark. Do you need me to hold your hand?" Barley teased me

"N-no! I'm perfectly fine! Just...its kinda cold out here, that's why I'm shaking--" taking another step, stepping onto a stick. Breaking it half making a loud crack

In fear jumping onto Barleys arms, looking around nervously. Barley shakes his head while smiling. Holding me together as we all walk towards the bug Tavern doors.

"All right, listen. First, let me do the talking. Secondly, it's crucial we show the Manticore the respect she deserves, or she will, thirdly, not give us a map to the Phoenix Gem."

"Wait, wait, wait. The map? I thought she had a Phoenix Gem."

"*chuckles* You both are so cute. Hear that Dad?" Barley holds me tight as he gives Ian a pat

Blushing silently while his words blurs in my ears.

'He thinks I'm cute?'

"--Is there anything else you're forgetting to tell me?" Ian asks Barley as he's about to open the door.

"Mmm. No, come on Hoover get it together! We're gonna meet the all mighty warrior!" He tells me, letting me go to push open the door. Only to be met a whole different setting that I thought we were going to be.

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Where stories live. Discover now