Chapter 2

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Steve POV

"The 911 operator I was talking to had this great idea to use the hose to pull the little girl across the water to get her out of the pool," Steve reminisced, sitting at the big island in the kitchen watching Sam cook.

"Dude, I was there, remember," Sam replied. "And hasn't it been like a week since that happened?"

"Yeah, but it was such a clever idea. I didn't even know they could see the whole house on their monitors."

"Who cares! It's probably some fancy technology not available on the market yet, but if I'm hearing this correctly, it sounds like she popped Stevie's dispatcher cherry," Bucky joked behind him.

Steve peeked over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Bucky. "My what cherry?"

"You know when you talk to a dispatcher on the phone while on scene. Danvers takes those calls most of the time, but every once in a blue moon, one of us takes it." Bucky wiggled his eyebrows. "Who was the operator?"


"Oh, my sister," Thor announced in a deep voice, patting him on the shoulder and taking the stool next to him. "She is very intelligent."

"Wait, you have a sister?" Steve asked, widening his eyes at him.

"I have two sisters, while one half-sister, but we don't talk about her because she's the worst," Thor answered with pursed lips. "YN is the best though, I like to think she got the brains, I got the brawn, and well, I guess, that makes Loki the beaut of the family." He nodded with a half shrug.

"Are we still talking about how Rogers popped his dispatcher cherry," Carol smirked, walking into the kitchen with Valkyrie. Steve felt his face heat up as he tried to say something, but she held her hand up. "It's okay! Everyone remembers their first time," She winked, forcing him to shake his head.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Steve held up his hands in surrender, trying to hide the blush on his face.


You swiveled back and forth in your chair, waiting for the next call to come in. You had a half-hour left of your twelve-hour shift, and you needed a girls' night out. Living with your brother and Darryl was both a blessing and a curse. They offered you a place to stay, rent-free when you first moved here, but the amount of testosterone in that house was sometimes too much for you to handle. You tapped your fingers on your desk when your line started ringing. You sat up, letting out a deep breath, and pressed the spacebar.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hello," a male voice replied.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm making a turkey and was wondering what the internal temperature has to be?"

"You do know it's against the law to call with a fake emergency, right?"

"Yes, but this is an emergency."

"No, it's not, so get off my line." You hung up the line, shaking your head. Right away, another call came through, and you answered it.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, hello. My friends are trapped in the elevator. The elevator must have snapped or something because there was this loud bang."

"Where are you calling from?"

"The Natural History Museum. Please hurry!"


Steve sat in his unassigned assigned spot at the dining table, eating a late lunch with the team. It was the cardinal rule at Station 107: Work as a team and eat as a family. Steve never thought he'd be able to find another firehouse he enjoyed working at, considering his previous teammates and friends at his old one. He hated leaving them behind, but he needed a fresh start, and so far, Station 107 was the best second home he could ask for.

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