she said while leaving to room

Lilliana l left the room and shutting the door.

Mattia: since when did ma have a boyfriend again.

Nev: I came home and he was here so I am just as confused as you.

Mattia: Can I come over later? *his dad called him*

Nev: yeah you can come over but we need to talk.

Mattia: I have to go...I told you the second I got back in Jersey I had training.

Nev: k we'll talk when you get here

Mattia: Mk call me when I can come over k?

Nev: k

*hung up*

I hung up and left my room to get some food and saw my mom wasn't downstairs but Michael was.

Nev: where's my mom?

Mic: she went to the store for something.

Nev: oh Mk.

Mic: come sit.

Nev: no thanks I am gonna go back upstairs after my food is ready.

Mic: please?

Nev: is your kid here and where's mar

Mic: Mariano is upstairs unpacking and your mom, sister and Lilliana are at the store.

Nev: and why didn't you?

Mic: i wanted to talk to you.

Nev: fine go ahead.

Mic: don't get in between me and your moms relationship and fuck it up, got it?

Mar: did he just forget I was here or not care cause this dude is crazy.

Michael scoffs and says: I can ruin both of your lives in a second if I'd like to.

Mar: shiver me timber's bitch, I'm calling ale to hang out, nobody has time for this.

We both laughed

Mariano walked upstairs and I grabbed my food and did the same

I take my food and go
upstairs and call Mattia.

He didn't answer after I called 3 times, but I knew why he wasn't answering.

I didn't call my mom because I would want to talk to her in private so I called Ale instead.

*On FaceTime*

Ale: hey what's up?

Nev: my moms boyfriend is crazy and is threatening me and mar and Mattia isn't answering.

Ale: oh damn, y'all wanna come over at kai's

Nev: sure, do you know where Mattia is?

I knew I would have to play dumb until he was ready to tell them.

Ale:, I'm on my way though.

Nev: k

He sounded a little hesitant and hung up quickly.

*hung up*

I heard Michael doing things downstairs but I stayed upstairs.

1:30 PM
*20 minutes later*

*Ding Dong*

I heard the door open and shut so I ran downstairs and opened the door.

Mic: and where do you think you are going?

Nev: out with my friend, mar ale is here!

I yelled trying to get Mariano's attention from upstairs.

Mic: nope get back in here

Mar: I do not remember you helping my mom raise me and I do what i want therefore goodbye.

He pulls me by my hair as I'm walking out.

Mar: hey! Let her go now.

Mic: and where do you think you're going?

Mar: same place as her, now let her go.

He let go of me and I walked out the door with Alejandro and mar.

Ale: are you ok?

Nev: yeah...

Mattia's POV:
*An hour after going home from California*
*On FaceTime*

Kai: Mattia we have three more months...

Me: I know.

Kai: You told your dad about dating Nevaeh?

Me: yeah, he's not happy about it.

Kai: When are you gonna let her know? Cause our parents made an agreement last night and you already know that plan.

Me: I dunno, but don't tell her until I'm ready.

I play dumb until I was ready to tell the truth.

Kai: k.

*My dad yelled my name*

Me: I have training, I'll come over later.

Kai: k.
*hung up*

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