Chapter 4

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Nyx led me down the corridors into an archway that opened to an immense room with columns of books. There were other priestesses flying around, reading and organizing the books. Nyx led me towards the middle of the library, passing through each aisle. The columns of books cleared out to an opened area with desks and chairs that circled around some sort of projection in the center.

Nyx walked towards the glowing projection, so I followed. As we came closer, the projection flashing with different sceneries from the forests, to different villages, to the sea. It sped through each location, like spinning dice.

"This is the Atlas. It can show us any place in the Seelie Court," Nyx explained. She moved her hand over the Atlas, and it stopped it to show the Kingdom of Elysian. It zoomed into the temple, and I was viewing myself watching the Atlas. "It was gifted to us by the Goddess Circe, herself, so we can monitor and protect our lands. Only Priestesses can view it. If other fae tried to use it, they would see nothing. Give it a try."

"How do I use it?" I asked, still looking at myself staring at the projection.

"Think of what you want to see and swipe your hand over it," Nyx explain.

I thought of my home village, sitting on the patio, with my mother sitting beside me, weaving a veil for one of the villagers. I waved my hand over the Atlas, and the picture shifted to an image of a cliff overlooking the sea. My mother and Eron stood at the top of the cliff with several little ones, anxiously flapping their fully grown wings. My mother took the hand of the first little one and led her to the edge of the cliff. My mother took a step off the cliff, spreading her wings of water and feathers out, taking flight into the air. The little one, still holding onto my mother's hand, spread her green wings out, and smiled widely. My heart began to ache at the sight, and I quickly turned my head away.

"Strange how your mother has wings, but you do not," Nyx remarked, catching me off-guard.

"Well...uh" I said, stuttering at coming up with an explanation. I put my head down, and my hand began to shake. "I was born with defective wings. They had to cut them off," I finally said.

"But that faes are always born perfect."

I felt pressure on my shoulder, so I looked up to see Nyx with her hand on my shoulder with a soft smile. My hand stopped its shaking.

"I know you're a halfling," Nyx said, in a whisper. "You do not have to be ashamed, or hide your identity. You are a Priestess, and no one can take that from you."

I only nodded, not knowing how to respond. After trying to hide my true self for so long, I felt relief for once.

After a moment of silence, Nyx patted my head and adjusted my hood, making the pearls jingle. "That would also explain the scar you have on your scar on your left eye," Nyx remarked.

When feas heal, it is always fast and leaves no mark. However, I actually scar when I have a deep wound. The scars on my back are from my fallen wings, and the scar on my eye is from an accident sword training with Eron.

"I try to hide it as much as I can," I replied.

"I guess the hood make it easier for you," Nyx said, fiddling with her own hood. She turned around and lead me to a table with a pile of books.

"What are the hoods even for?" I asked, following my mentor.

"They stand for the closed eyes of the Tree of Elysian" Nyx explain, taking a sit at a table and motioned me to sit across from her.

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