I debated between asking him what he thinks about Jacob or not after he very clearly opted him out from the people he liked.

Although I would like to know why doesn't he like Jacob, I think I'll leave this question for another time. I need to finish this project first.

We continue studying for another two hours before deciding that we can't take it anymore and start packing our stuff to go back home.

"I'm so tired, my back hurts, " I say, stretching my arms and hearing my back crack in a few places, which is honestly satisfying.

"Yeah, me too, although instead of my back my ass hurts, " he says, touching his butt which makes me laugh.

"Do you want me to massage it for you?" I ask him, wiggling my eyebrows.

"If you want to, " he says with a smirk on his face, sounding awfully serious.

I softly punch him on the shoulder, making that smirk drop from his face.

"I was just joking, pervert, " I whisper the last word.

"I'm not the one that suggested it in the first place, joking or not, " he says as his smirk reappears.

I like his smirk it makes him look even more devilishly handsome.

"Whatever, let's go, " I say, rushing towards the exit as I hear him laugh behind me.

"Oh, shit, " I whisper under my breath, turning my head to see that unfortunately for our luck the security guard is nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, this is bad, " I say a bit louder now so Ian could hear me.

"What is bad?" He asks, obliviously to what's going on.

"You don't have by any chance your student card with you right?" I slowly turn to face him grinning.

"Oh, no. Tell me that you have yours, right?" He chuckles, scratching his nape.

"I may or may not have forgotten it on my desk at home, " I say slowly.

"So, what I mean is that we're, " I start saying whilst looking around for anyone that could be here at 10 pm.

"Screwed. We're screwed and not even in a nice way, got it, " he finishes what I was going to say perfectly.

"Yeah, " I say nodding.

You see to get in and out of this building you need your student card. It's a fairly new protocol they put in place to make sure that the only people that enter and leave this library belong to one of the three universities in the city. This happened after a lot of people complained that people that weren't students were coming in here and being lousy assholes.

We got in with Felix before but he's not here now and he can't come either to save our asses.

"We can't call anyone to come and help us, right?" He asks me, staring at the glass door.

"Nope, Felix is with his parents by now, Jacob went out for drinks with some of his other friends, he texted me a while ago about it. Alice and Sydney are doing God knows what at this hour, I wouldn't want to interrupt, and Eddie I don't know about him, " I say, looking at him hoping that Eddie is available.

"Yeah, about Eddie, he went on a date an hour ago, " well that crashed my last hope.

My parents are asleep by this time, and I don't want to bother them.

"Let's just go upstairs in one of the private meeting rooms and sleep on the couches and we'll leave tomorrow when someone enters, " I grab his wrist and drag him up to the top floor of the building.

These private meeting rooms are the only rooms that aren't made out of glass so, no one can see in unless they open the door.

We place our bags on the table and realize that there is only one couch in here but thankfully is big enough for both of us to lay down.

"If you're not comfortable with sharing the couch I can go next door, " his voice is so soft as he stands behind me, tacking my hair behind my ear.

Such simple touches could make my heart rate pick up and it's something I never experienced before. Sure, I've been in relationships, I've fallen in love before but this is different somehow.

"I don't have a problem don't worry. Now let's sleep, we're both tired, " I say.

Ian lays first after taking his shoes and puffer jacket off before I follow his lead and do the same. I snuggle back in his embrace as he wraps one hand around my waist and the other under my head. My body is flushed up against his, feeling quite everything. 

He places his head on my neck after he moves my hair away.

"Goodnight Chloe, " his warm breath hits my skin with every word.

"Night Ian, " I say as I close my eyes.

A gasp escapes my lips as he lays a kiss on my neck as he did in the pool.

This boy is going to be the death of me.


We're halfway through this book and theirs so many things to happen in the upcoming chapters!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one comes out tomorrow!

Feel free to comment & vote ❤️

Hope you have a lovely Sunday! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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