Chapter Four

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Sunlight streamed into the hotel room from behind the blinds on the window, causing Chuuya to wake up. He blinked his eyes multiple times until his vision was no longer fuzzy. Damn, it's freezing in here. He yanked at the blankets and bundled up, trying to get warm. Squinting at the bright window, Chuuya turned over to his left side to find Dazai fast asleep, their faces just centimeters apart.

But Chuuya didn't move.

He stared at Dazai's face, unable to turn away. He felt comfortable, just lying under the heavy blankets, Dazai at his side. Chuuya still felt hatred and annoyance towards the port mafia member, of course, but he found himself at ease. He felt.. happy. Happy? Such a weird feeling. What is wrong with me? What am I doing? Shitty Dazai. Just as Chuuya was about to flip over to his other side, Dazai let out a soft yawn, small, glistening tear drops forming around his eyelashes. He lifted his bandaged hand out from under the covers and wiped the tears away. He opened his eyes, looking right at Chuuya.
"Well, good morning," Chuuya could feel Dazai's warm breath on his face as he spoke," you're awfully close."
"Uh.. sorry." The blushing redhead shifting bakwards, widening the gap between their faces. Why does my face feel hot? Getting comfortable, Chuuya watched Dazai's face turn red.
"Chibi..," He stuttered, pausing for a moment to think," you know you're blushing, right?" Chuuya felt his heart skip a beat.
"Well you are too!" he snapped, looking away to stare up at the dusty ceiling.
After a long silence, Dazai finally spoke. "I know," he sighed," my face is practically on fire."
Chuuya turned his head and stared into Dazai's eyes, not really knowing what to say. The only sound was the second hand on the old clock mounted above the TV ticking away. Suddenly, Dazai scooted up close to Chuuya, their noses almost touching.
"What are you-" but his sentence was interrupted by Dazai, who leaned his head forward and touched his lips to Chuuya's. After a second, Dazai pulled his mouth away, but in that short amount of time, Chuuya felt as if he couldn't breath, like his heart had stopped beating. It was as if the whole world had stopped functioning, and the only thing he knew was that.. Dazai had just kissed him.
The two boys stared awkwardly at eachother, their faces beet red.
".. I'm sorry..." Dazai muttered, looking away from Chuuya's speechless face and fiddling with the bandages on his hands. Chuuya reached forward and wrapped his hands around Dazai's.
"Don't be." He closed his eyes and kissed Dazai, his nervousness fading away. He felt Dazai's left arm wrap around Chuuya's body as he kissed him back, his right hand still clutching Chuuya's wrist.
Chuuya grabbed the back of Dazai's head, weaving his fingers through his soft, brown hair as he kissed his neck.
Suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on the door to the two boys' hotel room split the air around them. Shit! Chuuya pushed away from Dazai's body and jumped off the bed, walking over towards the door and opening it. A woman wearing a cleaning outfit was standing at the doorway, a broom in her hand.
"H-hello." Chuuya stuttered, trying to regain his composure.
"Good morning!" the woman said cheerfully," I just wanted to let you know that breakfast will be over in half and hour! Also, when you are ready to leave, please place all the blankets and pillows outside your room!"
"Yes, thank you. Will do." Chuuya nodded and closed the door, spinning around to face Dazai, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, his legs draping down over the side of the mattress.
"Well, I guess we better go down for breakfast." Dazai said, hopping off the bed and shuffling to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Chuuya walked over to the bedside table and picked up his coat, sliding his arms through the sleeves. Adjusting his hat on his head, he turned on the TV while he waited for Dazai to finish using the restroom.
Chuuya clicked through channels, ignoring all the commercials and their catchy songs, til he came accross the news.
"Suspicious activity has been spotted around the city mall, with men dressed in all black clothing sighted around the area. The police have been informed and are now scouting around outside the mall, keeping watch for anything odd. If you happen to spot something, please inform the police about it. Thank you."
Chuuya turned off the TV. Suspicious activity? Mori-san would want us to check it out. Just then, Dazai walked out of the bathroom.
"Come on, no time for breakfast," Chuuya said, grabbing ahold of Dazai's hand and dragging him out of the hotel room," I'll explain on the elevator."
Chuuya lifted himself onto his bright, red motorcycle and gripped the black handles. Dazai jumped onto the back of his seat and, instead of placing his hands on Chuuya's shoulders, wrapped his arms around Chuuya's waist. The orange-haired boy flinched, but didn't object.
He pulled out of the hotel parking lot and drove down the main city road, reciting the directions to the mall Sam had told him in his head. After just a few minutes, they had come to the east Yokohama mall. After finally spotting an empty parking spot, Chuuya parked the motorcycle and got off, Dazai standing right at his side.
"Keep a look out for anything weird." Chuuya whispered, making sure no one would over hear them.
"I think I've already found something," Dazai said, nodding his head in the direction of the mall entrance," there's a guy dressed in all black that's just been standing there doing nothing since we arrived," he paused for a moment, looking around," and there's another guy standing at the corner of the mall building, just watching all the people that enter the store."
"You're right." Chuuya agreed, wondering what to do. It's not like we can just go up to them and ask "hey! What are y'all doing?" That would be stupid.
Dazai began walking towards the mall entrance, motioning for Chuuya to follow.
"Let's go check out the inside." Dazai decided. Chuuya shrugged and walked behind him, keeping an eye on the two guys in black standing outside.
When the two port mafia members approached the doors, Chuuya slowed down and watched the guy standing outside the entrance nod to the person at the end of the store, who pulled a small device out of his pocket. It was the size of a TV remote and had two red buttons on it.
Chuuya stopped walking, frozen with fear. A bomb. Suddenly, he remembered Dazai and looked around for him, realizing he was already stepping through the doors of the mall.
"Dazai! Wait!" Chuuya screamed and ran towards Dazai, who didn't hear his warning. Suddenly a loud explosion erupted and Chuuya was flung backwards, a gust of wind and debris throwing him to the pavement, knocking him out instantly.


Chuuya opened his eyes, immediately being blinded by bright lights coming at him from all directions. Blinking repeatedly, he finally got used to the lights and tried to sit up, only to realize he couldn't. He could barely breathe, in fact, and his ears were ringing. Although his blurry vision, Chuuya managed to see the flashing of red and blue lights before he closed his eyes again, losing consciousness of the world around him.


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