Chapter One

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Chuuya opened his eyes, immediately being blinded by bright lights coming at him from all directions. Blinking repeatedly, he finally got used to the lights and tried to sit up, only to realize he couldn't. He could barely breathe, infact, and his ears were ringing. Although his blurry vision, Chuuya managed to see the flashing of red and blue lights before he closed his eyes again, losing consciousness of the world around him.

~3 Days Earlier~

   "What?!" Chuuya stared at the port mafia boss, Mori, "I have to work with him?!" Chuuya swung his arm around to point at a man behind him. Dazai. Probably the most annoying person in the world.
   "Of couse you have to work with him, you two are partners." Mori replied, glancing down to look at Elise drawing with some crayons on the floor beside his desk.
   "Yeah, chibi," Dazai chuckled, walking forward to stand to the right of Chuuya and patting him on the head," you're my dog, you know." Chuuya tensed up. Filling with anger, he shoved Dazai out of the way and glared at him.
   "I'm not your stupid dog." He muttered. Dazai just simply shrugged and turned back to look at Mori. "So what exactly do we have to do?"
   The boss put both his elbows on his desk and touched his fingertips together, looking at the port mafia teenagers.
   "I want you two to check out the east side of Yokohama. We haven't heard about anything over there in a while, and I want to see if there's anything we should know."
   "That's it?" Dazai questioned, resting his right hand on his hip. What a dork. However, Chuuya was confused, too. Usually the boss sends people on actual jobs, not just to scout around.
   "Yes, that's all," Mori nodded," you two may leave now." He waved his hand towards the door of his office.
   Chuuya and Dazai agreed at stepped out the door, it slamming shut behind them.
   "Well that was weird." Dazai claimed, walking next to Chuuya as he led the way to the exit of the port mafia base.
   "Yeah, I suppose it was a little odd." Chuuya agreed, straightening his hat and shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
   "So how are we going to get there?" Dazai asked, fiddling with something in his coat pocket. Chuuya knew exactly how they were going to get to east Yokohama. His frown turned into a smirk as be began to walk slightly faster.
   "Follow me."

   Chuuya stood in front of a locked garage door. The building was small and covered in graffiti, vines climbing up the walls.
   "Well? Aren't you going to open it?" Dazai was standing next to him, impatiently waiting to see what was behind the garage door.
   "Yeah, yeah. Calm down." Chuuya pulled the top part of his jacket down to reveal a small pocket sewed into the coat lining. Unzipping the pocket and pulling out a small key, he unlocked the door and put the key back in the secret pocket before opening the garage.
   The rusty door flew up to reveal a bright red motorcycle sitting in the middle of the room.
   It sparkled as the sunlight reflected off the bike, showing it had been polished and washed recently. The two small mirrors glinted in the sun's rays as if a spotlight had been put on it.
   Chuuya walked up to his prized possession and rested his arm on the front of the vehicle.
   "So, whatdoya think?" He asked Dazai, who looked as if he just won the lottery. He ran up to the bike and examined it.
   "Wow, Chuuya! I had no idea you owned a motorcycle!" he exclaimed, standing back to admire it.
   Chuuya let out a quiet laugh and grasped the black handle, hopping onto the bike and placing his feet on the sides of the motorcycle. He turned his head back to glance at Dazai, who was still shocked, and patted the back of the seat.
   Dazai looked at Chuuya and then at the motorcycle, his eyes switching between the two of them. "You're gonna let me ride it?"
   "I guess." Chuuya shrugged as Dazai immediately hoisted himself onto the seat, Chuuya turning on the motorcycle as soon as Dazai was situated.
   "Wait," Chuuya could feel Dazai's breath on the back of his neck," how will I not fall off, chibi?" Shit. Chuuya hadn't thought about that.
   "Well for one thing," he declared," your going to stop calling me chibi," Chuuya stopped talking for a moment as Dazai chuckled to himself, "and I suppose just hold on to my shoulders.." Chuuya tensed up as he felt Dazai rest his hands on his shoulders.
   "To east Yokohama," Dazai paused and added," chibi." Chuuya rolled his eyes and twisted the handle, the motorcycle engine roaring.
   Chuuya drove the bike out of the garage and zoomed out onto the road, passing by all the slow cars that stood in his way, heading towards east Yokohama.

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