Chapter Five (Final Chapter)

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------Two days later------

Chuuya stood outside the entrance of the east Yokohama hospital, staring up at the tall building. He clutched the bouquet of red flowers in his right hand as his mind re-lived the events that had happened two days prior.
After the bomb had gone off, the rest of the port mafia eventually found out about it through the news and came down to the mall to find the two boys. Chuuya had been found knocked out cold and lying in the parking lot with a broken ankle and a few scratches. He had been far enough away from the actual bomb to avoid any major injuries. Dazai, however, was extremely close to the explosion. When the rest of the port mafia had located him, he was immediately taken to the nearest hospital with multiple broken bones, several flesh wounds, and a concussion. While Dazai was at the hospital, Chuuya had been taken back to the port mafia to recover.
Chuuya winced as he remembered the pain he felt when Mori had informed him about Dazai's condition. The orange-haired boy had called the hospital to see if he could come visit Dazai, but the nurse said he'd been asleep since the explosion.
Today, however, Chuuya got a call from the hospital telling him that Dazai had woken up. He immediately left to go see him.
Chuuya took in a deep breath and limped through the hospital entrance, being careful not to put too much pressure on his broken, bandaged ankle. After taking a look around the check-in room, he made his way over to a desk with a black-haired woman dressed in a denim blue dress sitting behind it.
"How may I help you?" she spoke in a raspy voice.
"I'm here to visit a Dazai Osamu." He said, fiddling with the flowers he was still clutching tightly in his sweaty hands. The woman typed something into her computer and glanced back at Chuuya.
"And are you family or friend?" she asked, returning to type quickly on the loud keyboard.
Chuuya hesitated for a moment and stared at the floor. After a few seconds, he finally spoke.
"...Friend.." he muttered, just loud enough so that the woman behind the desk could hear him.
"Take the elevator to the second floor and he'll be in the third room to your left." She pointed over to where the elevators were located.
Chuuya nodded in thanks and limped over to the elevator, pushing the blue button as he waited. The doors finally opened and he stepped inside, pressing the button to take him to the second floor. Just as soon as the doors closed, the elevator dinged and opened again, signaling he had arrived to the second floor. Chuuya stepped out and walked past the doors to different rooms, counting the ones on the left side of the hallway.
He stopped and stood infront of the third room, taking a deep breath. He stared at the clipboard hooked to the outside of the door with the name "Dazai Osamu" written at the top.
Chuuya put his hand on the silver doorknob, hesitating for a moment before twisting the handle and pushing open the door.
Dazai was lying in a large bed with multiple wires surrounding him and a monitor that showed his life vitals hung on the wall above his head. He was staring out a large window that showed a lovely view of east Yokohama.
Chuuya walked into the room and closed the door quietly behind him, getting a sudden whiff of sour medicine and cleaning products. Dazai turned his head slowly to see who came into the room.
"Oh Chuuya, it's you." he said weakly, tilting his head towards a chair next to the bed," looks like I didn't die this time."
Chuuya rolled his eyes and limped over to the chair and sat down, taking off his hat and setting it down on the floor beside him.
"You're hurt..." Dazai looked down at Chuuya's ankle.
"Oh, it's nothing." Chuuya clenched the bouquet in his hands," I bought you something."
Dazai raised his eyebrows, finally looking as if he had life in his expression. "Really?"
Chuuya nodded and handed the red flowers to him, their fingers brushing against each other's. A slight smile formed across Dazai's face. "You got me my favorite flowers," he lifted them up to his nose and sniffed the sweet-smelling petals," I have something for you, too."
Chuuya was taken by surprise. "You do?" he asked," Hey idiot, you're the one in the hospital. You shouldn't be getting other people anything."
Dazai leaned to the side and reached his arm over to place the flowers on a small table. He then grabbed a small gray box with the words "To Chibi" written on the lid. "I've actually been waiting to give this to you for a while," he coughed, handing the gift to Chuuya," I bought it the day before Mori-san told us to come to this place."
Chuuya ignored the name written on the top and took the lid off the box to reveal a thin, black leather choker with a silver buckle nestled in some white tissue paper. He lifted up the piece of jewelry and held it out in front of Dazai. "The hell is this?"
"It's your dog collar, chibi," he laughed quietly, taking the choker," Come here. Let me put it on you."
"What? No way!" Chuuya exclaimed, crossing him arms.
"Pleeeeeaaseee??" Dazai begged, holding one end of the piece of leather in each hand. Chuuya glared at him for a few moments.
"Fine." Chuuya moved to sit on the edge of the hospital bed and leaned forward so that Dazai could reach him. He wrapped the choker around his neck, Chuuya wincing from the coldness of Dazai's hands as he tightened the buckle to fit around Chuuya's slender neck. When Dazai was finished, he pulled Chuuya's face closer to his and gave him a peck on the cheek.
Chuuya immediately pulled away and put his hand to his cheek where Dazai had kissed him. "What was that?!"
Dazai looked deep into Chuuya's eyes, a smirk spreading across his face. "Come on, Chuuya. Don't tell me you've forgotten what happened at the hotel a few days ago."
Chuuya could feel his heartbeats accelerating. ".. No, I haven't forgotten." He had actually thought about that every night since then, unable to get it out of his head.
"And you enjoyed it, right?" Dazai snickered. The monitor measuring his heartbeats sped up a bit.
Chuuya could feel his face getting hot. "Uh.." He struggled to find the right words to say.
"Chibi! Is that a blush I see?" Dazai teased, poking Chuuya in the leg.
Chuuya put his hand on top of Dazai's to make him stop. The two mafia members stared at their hands and slowly shifted them at the same time to intertwine their fingers.
Dazai reached up and wrapped his other hand around the back of Chuuya's neck. Chuuya flinched as Dazai pulled on some of his long strands of bright, orange hair. "You look so pretty right now." Dazai stared into Chuuya's eyes.
Chuuya tilted Dazai's chin upwards and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. Their mouths fit perfectly together, like two peices of a puzzle. Dazai let out a small gasp and repositioned his mouth, slightly biting onto Chuuya's bottom lip. After a few seconds, Chuuya pulled away to catch his breath.
"So, you'll be my boyfriend, right?" Dazai asked. Chuuya stared into his sparkling eyes and smiled. "Of course."
Chuuya layed down next to Dazai, their legs intertwining and their faces so close to each other's thier noses were touching.
Dazai gave Chuuya a quick kiss. "I love you, chibi."
Chuuya smirked and returned the kiss. "I love you too, shitty Dazai."

Author's note:
That was the last chapter of my "The Job in East Yokohama" fanfiction! This also marks the completion of my first fanfic. Dazai x Chuuya is definitely my favorite anime ship of all time, and this fanfic was just how I imagined they would act in a situation like that. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this! Thank you so much!

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