I scuff to myself.

What doesn't leave my mind thinking, though?

Once i realize i should probably follow him, i stumble back into the house to see that he left the front door open for me. I quickly walk out of the house, closing the door behind me and hurrying towards his car. Scared he might drive off without me because of his sudden hurry.

"You better be a good driver, I don't want to end up in a bush today... Or ever," I mumble once i sit down in his car and put my seat belt on.

He chuckles while he starts the car. His perfume fills the car almost immediately, and I kid you not, i almost close my eyes because of how good it smells. I have never met a guy that smells this nice. A first for everything i guess.

Okay what the hell are you thinking about? Weirdo.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he replies confidently as if we are about to drag race.

I raise my brow at his answer and cross my arms over my Stomach. Something I tend to do when i'm nervous or in a awkward situation, And this is definitely one of those situations.

I rest my elbow on the window sill, putting my chin on my palm. He was now driving out of the driveway, cautiously looking at the road in front of him. There is a song playing in the radio which matched the beautiful sunset that we were seeing perfectly. I think the song is called, 'Rosslyn' by Bon Iver. I use to listen to that song all the time. I still can't believe how beautiful Canada actually is.

I never want to leave this place.

"So what are you doing here all the way from London, aye?" Charlie asks while moving his eyes off the road, now looking at me in curiosity.

I look back at him and think for a moment, "well, the only thing that keeps me alive is music and that's why I would do anything to keep it  in my life... Uhm," I frown and stop talking while playing with my hands. That answer didn't make sense at all. I don't even know where I am going with it.

But when I turn to look at Charlie, he looks surprised? As if he did not expect that answer to come out of my mouth. Was is really that bad?

Yes. And weird.

"Wow," He smiles. Looking back at the road so that no accidents will happen because of his... Questionable driving skills.

"That's actually a really interesting answer, but I don't really see the connection with Canada though?" Charlie asks confused as he takes a piece of gum from the jar sitting next to him, putting it in his mouth and chewing on it like his life depends on it.

Sharp jawline.

I roll my eyes at my embarrassing thought and look back out of the window, enjoying the beautiful view of the mountains and sunset. "I blew my chance on getting into the best music program in London, but here i can have my second chance that I'm definitely going to take once I am ready. I better not ruin this one too," I mumble the last part quietly. Everytime I think about doing that audition, like now. My heart skips a beat and depressing thoughts can't help but possess my mind. The thing that sucks most about it, is that I can't do anything about it.

You are not good enough.

You will embarrass yourself.

People will think you're weird.

Your voice isn't even that good.

They will laugh at you.

I squeeze my eyes shut and turn my face even more away from him, hoping he doesn't notice that the little monsters in my mind are bothering me. Like most of the time.

You are my miracle - charlie Gillespie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now