"Alright. I'll see you later baby." I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room and into the living room where Calum was sitting and watching soccer highlights. "Ready to go Cal?"

"Yes sir," Calum stood up, pointing to the window, "it looks like you have perfect timing too Michael."

"So, where are we going bro?" I finally asked Calum. He never told me what we were doing to be honest.

"You'll see when we get there." He was hiding something from me, which was rare, but I'm sure that he had a good reason for it.


I found myself not talking during the car ride. It was a combination of being tired and only wanting to asking about where were were going or how he was doing with the whole situation. Instead of irritate him, I decided not to talk to him unless spoken to.

We stopped in front of a lit up building that read TATTOOS & PIERCINGS. I made eye contact with Calum and he nodded, confirming my suspicions. "We're going in there?"

"Not so punk rock now, are we Michael?" He cracked a joke.

"No, I'm still punk rock." I disagreed, "I just didn't expect you to bring me to a tattoo parlor at 11pm."

"I don't know. I've been really wanting a tattoo lately and I know the others will try and talk me out of it. Well, the others besides-" he stopped mid sentence, "anyways, I got a consent from my mom and the guy here agreed to do it for me."

"What are you going to get?"

"I'm thinking MMXII on my collarbone."

"That's cool." He nodded, walking into the shop and signing in.

"You should get one too."

"Now?" Now, I know I'm supposed to be punk rock but I am a rational person.

"Yeah now."


"Come on Michael. It'll be awesome." Calum placed his arm around me and pointed to the various tattoo options on the wall.

Getting a tattoo had always fascinated me. I really wanted on and my mom said that if my band made it I could get one and I think this counts as making it. Plus, Molly thought tattoos were hot and I'd probably get laid immediately if I got one. "I don't even know what to get."

"You'll think of something. Just do it bro."

"I mean," I looked around at the shop and felt a knot in my stomach. I shouldn't be nervous about this. I mean, hundreds of people get tattoos all the time.

"I should probably ask my mom." That was a good one and could always get me out of these situations.

"I already texted her and asked because I knew you'd try that one." Calum laughed, showing me his phone with the text message from my mom saying that I could get a tattoo.

"You said you wanted one and now is your chance." Valid point

"Fine," I wasn't going to win.

We both filled out our paperwork and then the tattoo artist called us both into the room. The room wasn't closed off; in fact it was very open. There were two chairs and two tattoo artists, one for the each other us.

"Alright, one in each chair." He instructed.

Calum's tattoo artist asked him where he wanted his tattoo and Cal pointed to his chest, right under his collar bones and then removed his shirt so that the artist had space to work. Calum laid back in his chair, pulled out his phone and the tattoo guy began to write on Calum's skin.

I've Got This Friend ( c.h )Where stories live. Discover now