"y/n, lovie, how are you?" She asked. "We haven't gotten together in so long."

Upon meeting Spencer's team, you became best friends with the girls. You had a lot in common with Emily and Penelope, and you and JJ were close due to the fact you both loved children.

"I just need to get some things," you answered, hoping she didn't realize what row of the store you were in.

"Wait, why are you here with the pregnancy tests?" she asked. Fuck.

"Oh, I just need to get some for a friend," you responded, thankful you were able to think of that so quickly.

"Okay," Penelope answered suspiciously. "Well we have to get together soon, I'll text you and the girls." You nodded and gave her a hug before turning to the checkout. You looked at your phone and saw Spencer texted you back.

Let me know how it goes, is it bad to say I'm sad because I wanted to fuck you again?

no lol
I was thinking the same thing we need to get our heads out of the gutter

You made your way back home, anxious of what was about to happen. You walked into the bathroom and grabbed a small dixie cup. Chugging a bottle of water, you immediately sat down to pee with the tests. The next three minutes felt like the longest of your life. Finally the timer went off and you looked down at the tests.






You didn't even realize you were shaking until your phone dropped out of your hand. Grabbing your phone, you immediately take a picture of the tests and text Spencer.

While this is very exciting, I am sad we can't try again.

No way are you serious!
This is great!

Come over after work, we need to celebrate.

You smiled as you noticed it was almost time for Spencer to leave work. You head to your bathroom to shower and change quickly as well as order pizza for the both of you. You heard a knock on the door and assumed it was the pizza, but you were surprised when you were brought into a massive hug. Looking up, you saw Spencer with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying?" You asked.

"Why wouldn't I be crying y/n?" Spencer retorted. "We're having a baby." You laughed and started to tear up, the emotions too high.

"Well I would say we should celebrate with wine and pizza, but I can't have wine," you laughed walking over to the couch. Spencer looked confused. "I already ordered the pizza dummy, it's on the way."

You both look at the door when you hear a knock, "I'll go get it." Spencer said quickly. "I don't want you doing too much movement since you're carrying my child."

"Spence, I love you, but I can't be more than four weeks pregnant," you said sarcastically. "Walking to get a pizza isn't going to hurt the baby."

"I know, I just want you to be careful," Spencer said shyly. "I don't want you to get hurt and I know how clumsy you are. You can trip on air."

You laughed, "I know I can Spence, just don't baby me right now. Also, what are we going to tell your team? Or your mom?" You knew Spencer's team would need to find out eventually. Since you had known Diana since childhood and known of her condition for years, you hoped Spencer would let you and him go to Las Vegas to tell her in person.

spencer reid & matthew gray gubler one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now