"Would you move alpha? Your practically sitting on my lap" dior said as he pushed alpha to the other side of the couch.

Elas glanced at alpha who tried making himself comfy sitting all alone. Obviously struggling to hold self control at dior, which elas appreciated. Elas gave a sigh as he gave dior an unimpressed look.

"What?" Dior asked as he took some popcorn from the table.

"Do you mind? We're having a datenight and that's kind of difficult to do when you're inbetween us." Elas said as he tried pushing dior away gently.

"You brought him in my house, this is the datenight you chose" he said before focusing on the movie, the other boys too as they gave an annoyed sigh.

Around halfway through the movie alpha got inpatient. Luckily for them dior was leaning forward, sucked in the movie. Elas reached to alpha's hand behind dior's back. Alpha noticed and held his hand with love, both of the boys smiling at eachother. Alpha casually scooted closer to dior to get more access to elas and put his hand on his thigh, careful not to alarm dior. He squeezed his thigh lightly as Elas clearly got desperate to touch alpha without having his brother near. Alpha softly chuckled as he saw the look in his face, he brought his hand up to elas his face and wiped his thumb over Elas's bottom lip.

"Oh my god! Can you believe that?! The wolfshifter is almost dead yet he keeps fighting for the prince" dior said before leaning back into the couch, causing dior to lay into alpha's arm just like elas always does. Dior looked at alpha with furrowed eyebrows as alpha's eyes widened and alpha pulled his arm back to himself. Elas couldnt help but laugh quietly at the boys's reaction. Alpha looked at elas as dior's attention was back to the movie. Elas licked and bit his lip, alpha understood what he was doing immediately.

"You see dior, you're enjoying this movie so much, we'll just stop bothering you bro" alpha said as he stood up, dior was not answering so alpha just shrugged. Elas stood up aswell as he grabbed alpha's hand and lead him upstairs to his room. Once they were in the room elas guided the elf to the front of his bed and made a twirl to face alpha. Alpha smirked as he pushed elas backwards, elas falling onto the bed with a dirty smile. Elas climbed backwards while alpha climbed on top of the boy. Alpha straddled elas and looked down at him. He couldn't lay still, he was needy. Alpha smirked at him as he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend, only to move down to his neck afterwards, making beautiful purple hickeys on his jawline, neck and collarbones. He leaned back up to face elas and whispered in his ear, "you look so beautiful" while placing small kisses on his ears. He put his face inches away from elas's and kissed his lover again, elas heating up the kiss as it turned sloppy. Elas unbuttoned alpha's blouse as they continued. As soon as elas got all of the buttons alpha sat up and removed his shirt before leaning back down. Elas trailed his hand from alpha's thigh, to his hips, to his stomach, to his scar. Elas gave a dirty smile as he looked alpha in the eyes. He focused on his hand again, it trailing down slowly towards his dick, that is, until alpha grabbed his wrist before he could.

"What do you think you're doing?" He said in a deep voice.

"I- i wanna touch~" elas whined. Elas could feel his heart pound as alpha gave a low chuckle.

"I don't remember giving you permission" he smirked as he grabbed both of elas's wrists and pinning them above his head. Elas smirked as he began making out with his lover on top of him, until a certain someone walked into the room and the two boys pulled away with a sigh. Alpha groaned as he did his best not to punch dior.

"Hey el- WOAH- you could've warned me at least" dior spoke as he made his way into the room, sitting in elas's game corner. Dior didnt even like games, he just wanted to cockblock alpha and elas. Alpha sighed as elas's nose scrunched and his eyes shut.

"We didn't lock the door" elas whispered.

"Um alpha could you get off my brother?" Dior asked offened. Alpha sighed as he sat up and put on his blouse so when he turned around dior couldn't see his scars.

"Happy now? Your majesty?" Alpha asked dior sarcastically. Clearly pissed off.

"Very" he smiled as he shut the console off and making his way to the bed, calmly sitting down.

"Well, what's next to do? Not much we can do..maybe alpha should just leave." Dior suggested, making elas sigh as he sat up. Alpha rolled his eyes and got off the bed, pushing dior off too and guiding him to the door.

"Ill tell you what were going to do, you go annoy your idiot friends if you have any, and ill fuck your brother" alpha fake smiled as he pushed dior out of the door, staying in the doorframe to look at his reaction.

"You wouldn't dare" dior said offended. Alpha chuckled.

"Oh i would, you're not the boss of me" alpha said cold.

"Alphie, behave" elas smiled from the bed, loving the angry side of him.

Alpha looked back quickly before looking back to dior.

"You heard the boy, you have to leave" alpha said as he walked backwards.

"But he didn't say-" dior said before he got interrupted.

"BYE DIOR" alpha smiled as he shut the door in his face before locking it. He climbed back to elas and sighed.

"Now, where were we?" Alpha said as elas grabbed onto his neck.

"Hmm i think I remember slightly" Elas smirked before connecting their lips again.

Alpha and elasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon