14- anddd shes drunk.

Start from the beginning

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the door flung open, there, Ember stood. Her hair now in a messy bun, little hairs already falling out, and in his sweatpants and t-shirt. James snorted, trying to cover it up with a caugh.

"I look like a man!" Ember cried. "An ugly, stinky, man!"

"Yeah you do."

Ember gasped. "How dare you. I let you into my life. I let you into my bed!"

James raised his eyebrows at the fuming girl. Again- she looked like an angry puppy. Not very scary. "When did you do that?" He asked amused.

"I don't know!" She yelled, her arms flinging everywhere. "Maybe you imperoed me! Oh my god did you use an unforgivable curse on me?"


"You totally did! Your going to Azkaban you hoe" she shook a disproving finger in his face. James responded with a loud laugh. "Dont laugh! They'll give you the kiss Mr."

"Sure they will Em. I love getting kissed."

"You called me em?" She whispered. Her lips forming a small pout. Completely ignoring James's last statement. He quickly looked away from her and her watery eyes.

"Yeah?" He croaked out, "that's what your friends call you."

"You are not my friend." When she said this, James tried to ignore his heart dropping. "You are my boyfriend- clearly. We're getting married."

"Yeah we are."


"I'm not lying."

"You blinked."

He looked at Ember bemused, "humans blink love."

"Ooooooh!" Ember sighed, before she quickly looked at James. Nearly into his soul. "You should call me love more, very interesting."

"Maybe I will then." James smirked. Trying to hide the laugh that was wanting to leave his mouth.

"You look like shit."

"Thanks." He shrugged. Okay- drunk Ember was one of his favorites. Even if she still acted normal- though there was the small fact of her ranting about lobsters and their feet.

"It's not a complement, idiot." She rolled her and and James threw one of his pillows at her. "I've been shot!"

"You are insufferable." Said James, a smirk on his face.

"Jokes on you- I don't even know what that means!" She stuck her tongue out at him. James chuckled and reached for her hand, jumping her up to the bed.

"If you want me in bed so bad, just ask."

James nearly coughed on his own spit. He was totally not blushing at the moment. Why would he be blushing? There's no reason to blush in this moment- not with Ember White in his bed, or her hinting at them having sex. No? No reasons to blush.

It was just hot in there.


Even Ember cringed at his voice crack. "You- good sir. Are worse than a twelve year old boy." Ember went to look at him, a gasp leaving her lips. She used her hand to make him face her. "Awww! I made little glasses blush! Do I make little glasses's wittle james happy!" She teased and James nearly died right there, right then.

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