How would Lily look tonight? Did she look better than lily?"

Ophelia let out a groan, "fine. I expect to see you though!"

Though Ophelia couldn't see it, Ember nodded. She heard the door close and looked back in the mirror.

She took her mascara and added a few more layers. Just a few more, and flattened out her dress that was already flat.

Her heels rested on the counter, she took them and slipped them on.

Now it was the dreaded time to face her fears. Rewind, Ember White had no fears. "You look great Em! Your beautiful Em! You'll look better than Lily Em! Your going insane hyping yourself up Em!" She whispered under her breath.

She had no idea how long she stayed in the bathroom because when she exited the dorms, not a single fifth year or up was left in the common room. Only a few sulky younger years who gaped at her.

Nor was James waiting for her.

Her heels brought her to the great hall where she quickly glanced around the wall to see plethoras of people. She breathed in and peeked out from the corner.

This, this was Ember Whites moment. The couples that had been talking had ceased.

No one could deny that Ember White looked magnificent, elegance defined by a single scene as she stood at the top of the stairs. Kissed by the hush of the audience and the gasps of "she looks beautiful". The perfection of the moment as everyone gaped at the blonde. Not a single jaw remained closed at that moment.

The pink of the dress complimented her pale skin. Her mask hid her freckled face, though a few could be seen under her blue eyes.  A pink Cinderella many of the muggle-borns would say for years on.

Her date looked absolutely shocked. His jaw was dropped though you could see a smirk through it. Ember had always been gorgeous, but this was a new ember. This wasn't the skirt and sweater girl he had grown to know. This was an elegant woman. Beauty that had only been defined by no more than a smile until that moment of bliss.

Ember only noticed how River passed to Lily Evans without a single glance.

She wouldn't let one man ruin her night. This was her night to shine. To be the bright star. It was Ember's moment. The jealous glances she received as she glided down the stairs was proof enough.

Skylar gave her sister an undying look of love and respect. A look of caring and gold. Genny wolf-whistled and Ember could see Ophelia holding her heart as if she was going to cry.

River hadn't noticed her. Lily had, she was giving Ember a smile. Even lily could agree Ember was truly a princess that night. All she was missing was the tiara.

Finally, Hazel met Blue. James Potter stood there in a white tux and black dress pants. He still had the messy hair and ever so hazel eyes that Ember enjoyed. There was something different about seeing him in a tux that made her heartbeat race before slowing.

Hushed whispers filled the hall as Ember White, the girl who had stolen the masquerade walked over to James Potter.

"My lady," James said, his hand reached out as he not so subtly admired her. "You look rather dashing this fine night."

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