chapter 11

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I woke up slightly, groaning at the light shining through the curtains of my window. I sat up yawning and stretching then winced at the fact that I was sore. I completely forgot about last night's event between me and Denki. I knew I was going to be sore but didn't realize I was going to be THIS sore. I looked over and smiled at the man beside me, his hair was slightly in his face while he snored softly. I smirked as I reached down and poked his cheek. He swatted my hand away as he rolled over. An idea popped in my head as I leaned over towards his ear and whispered seductively.

"Get up baby" as I said it, I licked his ear slowly.

He groaned with a whine "cupcake...."

He rolled over wrapping his arm around my torso. All I could do is smiled.

"denks we got plans today remember? Would you rather stay in bed or be up and do stuff with me?" I looked down at the yellow puff ball of a hair that was laying on my side.

"Can we do both?" he whined.

I shook my head "no babe. Remember we was supposed to go on our anniversary today."

He shot up from his position. "Oh, yea completely forgot about that"

He got out of bed towards my closet and started looking for us some clothes. He started pulling out two buttoned up shirts, and two pairs of ripped up jeans. He handed mine to me while he started getting dressed.

I got up from the bed pulling the shirt then as I bent down to put my legs on the pants that Denki gave me, I felt him behind me. I looked back behind me eyeing Denki with a smirk.

"No Denki that's for later on" as I bent back up pulling my pants up and button them up.

He pouted as he grabbed us some shoes.

I shook my head as I finished buttoning up my shirt then put my shoes on. I grabbed my wallet placing it in my back pocket, then grabbing my chains and clipping then against my jeans. I went towards the door but turned around, leaning against the door frame waiting for Denki to finished.

"You almost done Pikachu?" I smiled.

"Yep." As he popped the P then looked over where I was. "Cupcake damn your handsome in that outfit I picked out for you." As he walked over towards me placing his hands on my hips.

I playfully smacked his shoulder. "Come on or we'll be late." I chuckled.

I grabbed his hand pulling him along with me through the hall. I saw mina and mom sitting on the couch.

"we'll be back guys." As we almost got to the front door. Mom stopped us in our tracks. "Hold it boys. 1) where are you going? 2) what got Ya'll in a hurry and 3) are you sure you are ok to be going out?

I sighed softly as I took a deep breath "todays mine and Denki's anniversary, we're almost late for our plans, and yes I'm sure, specially from what happened yesterday. Besides, I have Denki with me if anything happens. We're going to a populated area." I said in one breathe smiling.

Mom gave out a small sigh "alright but if you're going to be out late let me know how long Ya'll are going to be out ok?"

I nodded my head as I dragged Denki out through the door.

As we walked down the sidewalk, I leaned my head against Denki's shoulder smiling at how things are turning up. I took in a deep breath inhaling the body spray Denki had used.

He chuckled "you ok there, cupcake?"

I hummed in response as I looked ahead. We were getting close to destination of lists of things to do for our anniversary. There were a few people around but there was one person that walked by use. He bumped into me causing me to fall on my ass. I don't know if it was an accident or on purpose.

"I am so sorry; I didn't mean to bump into you.... Y/N" he said helping me up while slipping a paper in my pocket.

"tha... wait how do you know my name?" I said while getting up then dusted off my pants.

Before I could get another word from him, he walked away.

"You ok? are you hurt? And how does he know your name?" as Denki wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm not sure?" with a puzzled look. "Come on, we got breakfast waiting for us." As I get a puzzled look placing my hands on my pocket. I felt something odd, I pulled it out and saw it was a paper that was folded. I looked at Denki with a scared look.

"d-Denki...." The color on my face drained.

"We need to head back to the house and quick." While grabbing my arm pulling us back to the house.

"we'll make this up on a later day and don't open that till we get to the house. I know who it was, and I don't know why he's after you." As he hurried us down the sidewalk.

Once we got to the house, Denki opened the door quickly dragging me in shut the door hard and started locking it. Then turned to all the windows making sure they're locked, and the curtains are closed. All I called do is stand there staring at the folded paper.

"what's going on? I thought Ya'll was going on Ya'll date for your anniversary?" mom had said.

"We were till you know who bumped into us, he slipped a paper in Y/N's pocket and before we got the chance to say anything, he disappeared on us." As Denki walked to me placing his hands on my cheeks. "Y/N, I need you to listen carefully, ok? I need you to come sit down on the couch with your sister. Can you do that for me?" he looks in my eyes knowing that I might have a panic attack again.

All I could do is nod my head once, Denki slowly walked me towards the couch and carefully sat me down next to mina. Mina hugged beside me as I just kept staring at the folded paper. She followed my gaze to the paper.

"Y/N is it ok if I open that for you?" her voice was calm.

I tried to nod my head, but my eyes were glued to the paper that was in my hand. Mina carefully took the paper and started unfolding the paper. Denki bent down in front of me till he heard a gasp from mina. Mina had her hand over her mouth looking at the paper that was stuffed in my pocket from earlier.

"Mom.... its him.... he's trying to get Y/N." as she handed her the paper. It read


In bold letters. Mom's brows pinched together with her eyes showed anger.

"Denki...I want you to protect my son. Do you hear me?" as she crumbled up the paper in her hands.

"Yes, ma'am I'll try my hardest to protect him with every being of my body. Heart and soul." As he stood up to look mom in the eyes.

"I will not let that bastard get him" as he clenched his fist.

I just stared at the floor where the paper was from my hand. I started to get flashbacks again as my breathing started to quicken. My hands automatically went to my head gripping tightly on my hair, tears started forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Shit...Denki...." As mina looked over at me.

"fuck" he bent down once more in front of me. "Hey cupcake." He gently took my hands from my hair and with a calm voice "may I hold you?" as he tried to calm me down.

I nod my head as he gently held me in his arms but gently squeezed me. My body started loosening up in his arms and my breath slowed down.

"wh-why..." as I covered my face in his chest as my voice cracked.

"I don't know cupcake, but I'll find out. Maybe Aizawa-sensei can help us." As he held me while placing his chin on the top of my head.

his sweet little cupcakeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz