Chapter 4

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Denki P.O.V

my alarm went off at 6 am, every morning on the spot, I groaned not wanting to get up. I reached over shutting the alarm off on my phone then looked at the day. I jolted up, out of bed excited about today. I sprinted into the bathroom, took a quick shower, got dressed, grabbing my bag, slid my shoes on and bolted out the door after locking it of course. if anybody was wondering why I'm excited 1) it's the first day of school and 2) is because I get to see the girls in skirts

I hurried as fast as I could without having to stop to catch my breath. I got even more excited when I saw the roof to the school. as I made it to the building, I went straight to my class thanks to principal Nezu allowing me to come a month early ahead to see where my classes were. as I went into classroom, i spotted my childhood Kirishima. I smiled brightly as I went towards him.

"Kiri Bro!" I smiled wide giving him a high five

Kirishima looked up from talking to his boyfriend "Denki my man" giving the high five back

I chuckled then got startled by someone yelling. everybody looked including myself saw a girl with short hair that was kind of mixture of black and red, like Shoto's hair. I also noticed that her face was bright red like my friend's hair.

"Hey Denki?" he waved his hand in front of my face which got me out of being zoned out phase

I shook my head refocusing where I was at while blinking a few times. "Hm?' oh sorry man i guess i zoned out." while having a hint of pink dusted my cheeks

"you're sure you didn't short circuit on us again or was it that you were staring at Y/N over there?"

"Y/N?" I looked puzzled

"Yea dunce face. Y/N L/N" Bakugo pointed out to her with the one that now have panda ears. 

"Do you like her denks?" Kirishima smiled

I stiffened up a bit while rubbing the back of my neck as my cheeks turned a bit brighter "n-now why are y-you assuming like that Kiri bro?"

with a smirk "1) I've known you since we were kids and 2) it's obvious that you were staring back at her."

I looked back at her which Kirishima said it was Y/N. I felt my heart skip a beat every time she smiled. but got interrupted by another student that was making what looked like he was chopping air.

"Everybody sit down, class is about to start." as the student with blue hair has instructed us to do while still chopping the air with his hand

i sighed heavily as i sat down at the desk and waited for class to start. While waiting for class to start, I took out my sketch book and started sketching.

Kirishima looked over at my sketch and was surprised "wow man i didn't know you was that detailed at your drawings, especially on Y/N"

"Hm?" as I snapped out of my daze and looked down then flushed pink "I-I-I didn't know I w-was sketching her...." 

"can't fool us dunce face" as Bakugo placed his chin on his hand

"Baku babe has a point; it's written all over your face." Kirishima smirked 

I looked back at the sketch and noticed that every detail that I saw was on paper. I smiled softly like a complete goofball till I heard the teacher come in. I raised my brow in confusion seeing what our teacher was wearing, which was a yellow sleeping bag??

"Good morning class my name is Shota Aizawa, hero name eraser head" he unzips his sleeping bag pulling out gym clothes. "I need Ya'll to change into these and met me outside for quirk training"

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