chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up, got dressed which was the female uniform that I hated I finished, I went downstairs, peeking around the corner to see if any of my family was there. I sighed in relief that they weren't, so I grabbed my bag, slid my shoes on and left out the door.

Mina has always waited for me every morning which I'm glad. As we walked, we started talking about anything and everything that popped in our heads till I started to look worried.

We finally reached Tokoyami's house waving at each other, laughing at how dark shadow whined for me to do my shadow animals as we walked to school.

I started to space out here and there, barely hearing Mina and Tokoyami calling my name.

"-n? y/n?" As mina waved her hand in front of my face

I blinked a couple of times as I snapped out of me spacing out

"Hm?" As I looked at them

"You, ok? You kind of space out on us" with a worried look on their faces

I nodded softly at them as I sped up "come on before we're late on our first day of school"

As we walked, I started to see the roof of U.A. I smiled at the entrance, admiring how huge the building was. Suddenly someone bumped my shoulder almost causing me to fall. It's a good thing Mina caught me and asked if I was ok. I nodded as I was seeing who bumped me which I did. It was a blonde boy with his hands shove in his pockets

"Move it Extras!" As he bumped into another student

I could easily feel a ticking pulse against my temple. I flicked my finger to create a shadow animal and commanded it to go trip him which it did. The boy tripped as the animal evaporated into thin air. I tried scoffing a laugh which he heard. He got up and headed towards me with explosions coming out of his hands.

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me??" As he got near

"Not really but you're the one that started this by bumping into me which clearly you could of went around me" as I gestured

He was only a few inches away from me before got stopped by another student with red hair, red eyes, and shark like teeth? Didn't know that people had teeth like that

"Baku babe that's enough. Let's go before we're late" while placing his hand on his shoulder

The boy clicked his tongue as he turned around shoving his hands back in his pockets while shrugging off the red heads hand off his shoulder

With a toothy grin looking at me "sorry about that, he's always like this to everybody. Let me introduce myself, the names Eijiro Kirishima, the blonde that you encountered just now is my boyfriend Katsuki Bakugo. He's a real softy when you get to know him but don't tell him I said that."

He placed his hand out for me to shake which I did "y/n l/n, these two are my childhood best friends, mina Ashido and Fumikage Tokoyami."

"It's nice to meet you all but I better get going. Class is about to start" as he waved goodbye to us.

I gave out a shaky sigh as all three of us went inside the building. I waved Mina and Tokoyami bye as I pull out my schedule from my pocket and started looking at it. I looked around and down the hall and finally found my home room class, I took a deep breath and opened the door. I walked in the room and spotted Mina and Tokoyami, which made me happy that we're in the same class, then saw Kirishima and his angry boyfriend Bakugo.

I went and sat between my friends, mina behind me and Tokoyami in front. as I waited for class to start, I brought out my sketchpad and pencils and started to sketch. I wasn't good at it on actual drawing like people but I'm good at drawing names.

Mina looked over my shoulder to see what I was sketching and smiled at the name which was her name. I drew bold letters that had different shades of pink, but what I liked about it is that the words were melting, like acid was poured down it.

as I continued to sketch and color, I saw something bright and yellow in my peripheral vision. I looked up slightly thought somebody used a time quirk which made everything slow down but it wasn't it. it was a boy that had short yellow hair but with a slight black streak as a lightning bolt on the side. the color of hair was bright like the sun or a rare brightly colored rose, but this boy is very energetic.

mina smirked as she noticed that her friend was staring, so she took her phone out silently took a picture and sent it to me and Tokoyami in the group chat with the words "what Cha staring at hm?" under it.

my phone buzzed in my pocket, so I pulled it out noticing it was a message from our group chat. I looked at the message and instantly went red

Y/N- I w-wasn't st-staring guys.

Alien Queen- you're sure? because it seems you was staring hard core at the boy over there with yellow hair with the lightning bolt streak.

Y/N- N-No I wasn't guys....

Alien Queen- then why is your face red?

I forgot to text back, so I looked behind me and yelled a bit forgetting we're in class "I wasn't staring, and my face isn't red Mina!!"

mina smirked as she points out that everybody was staring at her. I looked slowly and stiffened up quick feeling my face go from slightly red to extremely red, red as in Kirishima's hair type of red from embarrassment. I turned around hiding my face in my arms against the desk.

Mina giggled, Tokoyami chuckled while shaking his head as dark shadow laid is head on my shoulder to comfort me the best way he could. As I covered my head with my arms, panda ears and tail popped up. I groaned as I know completely well that they only pop out is when I get embarrassed very badly.

I peeked out a bit still red in the face, looked over where Kirishima was and saw that he was talking to him. I started listening carefully to Kiri's words "hey Denki?"

I smiled a little "so that's his name" I giggled a bit till class was about to start.

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