chapter 10

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"The copyright of Zoey 101 characters and scenes do not own them, and I plan to add characters on fresh faces, but the plot series is being drama changed. You have known her as Quinn in the story; she is Blake's brother of Vince Blake. I would love the feedback helpful!"

The thought of a leopard-changing spot can be shocking his roommate's long line of questioning.

My mind lost distance no other girl can compare with Quinn's head over heels on bed top bunk heart changed ignores roommates chatting between player title dates two months weird behavior red flag his friends.

"I am shocked to hear Logan reject date hot girl; something wrong hurt over Carmen." Say, Chase

"The file of dating percent most of PCA Females difficult interest in sneaky ex-girlfriend behind our backs again." Mention Michael

"She acts crazy lately believes pal see someone else explains panics timing gang invalid." Comment Chase

"We are dealing her attitude on dating Logan no longer excuse huge elephant vote goes sour or split decision." Blunt Michael

"My girlfriend will not like vote cutting best friend out into the cold." Answer Chase

"The duo's best friend is causing extra drama in the gang currently." Mention Michael

"What are you guys talking about, sound series?" Question Logan

"If voting out Carmen solves the issue of the gang." Explain Michael

"You can count my vote, unsure another member will protect Carmen at all costs." Answer Logan

"Dana will love the idea of voting her out." Suggest Michael

"The twin's easy vote reason plays wise plan." Suggest Logan

"Lola unsure predict rat out the play both sides at any points." Comment Chase

"What with all weird looks switch shampoo bottle again turn my hair blue?" Asked Logan

"Nope." Answer Chase

"We want check-in notice ladies' man of PCA hears story rejecting dates not normal." Information Michael

"The girls sweat despair on rejecting polite making bad guy." Answer Logan

"What the last girl's name date you remember?" Asked Chase

"I do not kiss and tell my dates tasteless." Replied Logan

"You respect girls inside comments see good boy months causes behavior or any reason." Information Chase

"I know your relationship respect that many times keep my thought on wanting private dating life." Defend Logan

"Who is the girl name made leopard change spot like meet one-day?" Asked Michael

"None of your business." Answer Logan

"You should sneak around ex-girlfriend annoy person give everyone headaches!" Worries Chase

"I am not sneaking around with Carmen ever again damage goods." Blunt Logan

"What the matter on you swing back easy can help get player status off counting wingman hundred free?" Asked Michael

"My swing is fine without need help to recover raining champion Player status." Replied Logan

"Just hope made right choice rethinking ever good girl way control dump Rebecca." Mummer Chase

"You need communication feeling to her resolve tension great golden couple ten-time strength harmony again." Suggest Michael

"Depend on the way she takes chat girls wired differently." Comment Logan

"You will get all the karma tease years to find someone one-day." Said Boys

"Weather!" Mummer Logan

He gets up, walking out dorm need air cold shower process many thoughts unlocking feeling girl crush brew liking her asking out or kiss awesome never compare anyone.

"She just a girl gets your mind back in order." Mummer Logan

"I love those cherry lip gloss kissing her so taste." Mummer Logan

"I am going crazy non-stop thinking of her quality time turning prince charming." Thinking out Logan

The many people walking into the bathroom area can hear private thought long shower unsure listens or ignore leave into a dorm room.

"We upset him on pressing invades private." Worries Chase

"Are you done with Dr. Phil's session?" Asked Logan

"The chat got intension we feel bad push boundaries try to sensitive topic better way communication." Apology Chase

"Can you forgive us, nosey friends?" Asked Michael

"I meet an amazing girl like thinking of chance rejects want date me over other suitors." Explains Logan

"I wouldn't have thought you second guess over special girl always lend a hand, my friend." Tease Michael

"If the girl sees reputation red flag not worth it good person deserves chance without judge title player." Explains Chase

"Can you keep this between us, not girl hear add side comment negative way." Requires Logan

"Of Course." Agrees on Boys

"Rematch video game sound fun." Mention Michael

"I will win again, rain champion." Say, Logan

"This is a bad idea! The last time sore loser gets mad middle just a game." Reminds Chase

"Okay." Agrees on Boys

When the roommate's volume loud playing space games using controls, boys enjoy bonding time hours before heading to bed.

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