Chapter 14

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"The copyright of Zoey 101 characters and scenes do not own them, and I plan to add characters on fresh faces, but the plot series is being drama changed. You have known her as Quinn in the story; she is Blake's brother of Vince Blake. I would love the feedback helpful!"

The romance blooming Lola blunts out shocking news gang reaction kissed Vince Blake.

The group hangout dorm lobby watches billiard pool match Chase vs. Michael the last shoot see who victory ball into the net. You can see Zoey's rude behavior resent cover up fake smile present of support girlfriend.

"You steal my top thief." Shout Ella

"It's mine on taken-out closet without asking permission, sis!" Replied Aubrey

"Let resolve the civil matter without fighting." Suggest Tisha

"That's tops has a stain on its red fruit punch and brown one." Information Quinn

"Promise try to listen to each other in fighting silly over old top." Said Twin of Chase

"I do not know how to work this understand just happened!" Said, Lola

"What is it?" Asked Zoey

"I kissed Vince Blake, cool guy!" Answer Lola

"He is an evil person beat us up on kissed thinking straight!" Comment Michael

"That boy cannot be trusted ever date close family tree." Mention Logan

"You traitor on foreign the enemy cannot see interest him a romance way." Comment Chase

"People can change give one chat act bias right now." Shout Lola

Quinn wants to step into a fight now; deep reaction people hate her brother when all courage goes silent and upset things speaks horribly.

"The rehearsal of dance show difficult routines mess short time praying enough fitting old costume to need budget repair decent price." Explains Lisa

"The resources many someone's call in favor help dance club and more activities too." Mention Rebecca

"I can't promise that resource time of amount costumes availably on frame showcase." Explains Quinn

"If any one of them can help, great blessing save the showcase." Answer Lisa

"Who going co-graph the show of routines?" Asked Tisha

"Teacher went into labor unsure someone available replaces put event canceled." Mention Lisa

Quinn notices the sadness of friend event canceled sent many texts to see if possible to connect the event save the showcase.

"You are jumping into dating pool hottie chatting complete pack." Blunt Dana

"The pal chat just a friend hangout in many times the same town." Answer Quinn

"Sexy with a dashing smile." Comment Twin of Chase

Quinn closed chat on many eyes, putting ball triangle wanting to try game notice him jealous fist control steam out head other suitor interest. I like Logan treat girl amazing listener on many gifts with kisses skill in that depart never cheat on him. If someone pretends to date, friends off the back make the boyfriend jealous out of control.

"I found replace on teacher available need check Dean River approve of many changes showcase." Say, Quinn

"That's awesome rescue dance team." Cheerful Lisa

"I wish she put need before others out there hides talent away from the whole world." Contain Rebecca

"What do you by the comment?" Question Michael

"She is dancer possibly stopped keep it a secret shocking!" Blunt Tisha

"It's not my story that reveals something changed in her life." Comment Rebecca

The meeting smoothies on the style of dance three teacher help pupils get ready to showcase with budget new costume solved. She loves to dance in dark times, watches sick mom treatment no longer feel safe place hidden scared little girl pretend someone else.

"What wrong keep you up late running not safe?" Asked Vince

"Many things keep my mind up late need workout extra energy." Answer Quinn

"Anniversary of mom passed out in found cancer months treatment comes float back moment stopped dancing." Sobbing Quinn

"You still blaming self that faults she got sick in treatment worked survived heal scanning cancer freedom in cheers see dancing kickass!" Explains Vince

"My heart confused know shoulder tells him the truth previous chat group hates any family tree forbidden to date a member of Blake female or male." Mention Quinn

"Logan Reese, the mystery boy." Replied Vince

"Yup." Answer Quinn

"Any guy will be lucky date my sister in bad blood foolish walk away on result deal big brother broken heart." Advice Vince

"If you need someone fake date knows, one-person willing rubbing that foolish face strain of regret." Entourage Vince

"Thank you, bro!" Say, Quinn

"Anytime." Answer Vince

"Lola cutie girl in common interest loves yoga and spirit mind." Mention Vince

Quinn is open the conversation of group upset many words downs girl stand up feisty on values give a chance support him dating Lola good choice.

"Just be smart around Logan player on using girl's bad reputation hate to see your heartbroken." Explains Vince

"I will." Answer Quinn

The reputation is a red flag on watching out behavior three months show good trait period dating secret possible embarrassed, or another girl picture prevent going public.

"We are dating in secret temp pressure of social one-day going public." Explains Quinn

"I will keep open my ears on the news hear of him." Comment Vince

"Keep open mind you will him one-day asking meeting come in town." Answer Quinn

"You did not mention we attend the same school." Replied Vince

"Testing the water at the right time tells the truth." Explains Quinn

"Watch out holding too long; see another way." Advice Vince

They had a fun competition running around the track as sibling twin old-time supporting each other choose family stuck together ticking clock shocking news hit the fan.

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