Chapter 4 - Him again.

Start from the beginning

'Just supplicate your problems to God and he will find a way out '
Said her subconscious.
Sam was lying on couch tired. It has been a hectic day. Amar entered the room after inserting his phone on his pocket.

"Samar we have a meeting with Tanzanians regarding the building contract so I suggested that the venue should be at small cafe out the eyes of culprits and security as we want it to be secret as you know we can't trust our employees after what that Jerk did. So It can't be held in the conference room ."said Amar.

"when? Samar asked

"tomorrow 9:00am" said Amar.

"ok" he replied.
Next morning at the cafe.

The meeting was going on when Don Malik phoned Sam. He excused himself to pick the call.

The waitress came to Amar and his clients and asked "what will you like to have? "

"um.. Just get us..... "Amar cuts off when he saw the person standing in front him as a waitress.
"YOU!? " he asked out of shock.

The waitress was also shocked to see Amar in their small cafe "sir. work here"she stammered.

"if am not mistaken, you're the one we encountered that night right? "he asked.

"yes Sir"she answered.

"hey beautiful lady what's your name? "asked one of the clients in a flirty tone.

She ignored him. She hate it when somebody tries to flirt with her.

"mind telling me your name? "asked Amar in a polite way.

"Meera Sir.... What would you like to have? "she asked trying to leave.

"just get us coffee and snacks"said another client.

She immediately turned to leave but stopped in her tracks by a strong arm wrapping hers. She turned to find out that it was Amar. She sighed in irritation.

"you owe my boss 'a thanks'"he said.

She became scared not just by his action but his statement 'boss? ' and 'thanks' . How can she meet the Devil?only God knows why he favoured her that night remembering his lusty eyes. she don't want to meet him again.
Her heart starts beating faster out of fear. Fear of what he might do. But poor Meera she couldn't think of any solution at the moment. She turned to see everyone's gaze on her,
Nope,not everyone's, only from men and glares probably from girls.

Samar on the other side cuts the call and turned to back to the meeting but what he saw shook him to the core making his heart skip a beat which doesn't go unnoticed by him. But why? He couldn't comprehend. She is just a mere girl.

Samar's POV.

I turned around just to see little doe standing in waitress dress looking beautiful with open hair showing me her side profile. Then she turned examining the environment.
Ohhh her face was now visible to me. Wondering if someone could look beautiful like that. Wait! Why is she looking scared? It didn't take me more than a second realize what it was.  It was Amar holding her hand. Seeing that sight made me sigh in relieve and my lips curled into smile. She looked very cute. Don't worry little doe I'd get you out of this, don't be scared though you look cute but i couldn't help it. I don't like seeing you feeling uneasy.

I moved towards them. OMG why are you looking more beautiful every minute? ohh if she stays here long I will definitely lose my control as right now what am feeling is to kiss her kissable cute cheeks till it turns red but I can't help it.

"what's happening? " I asked facing her. Hearing my voice she turned showing me her beautiful brown orbs as our eyes met. Did I tell you that her eyes are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in this earth?.

"did you recognize her Samar? She is the one we... -" said Amar

"yes I do"i cut him then I noticed her fear increased more than before.
"let her go Amar"i said

"Really! I thought you're enjoying, staring at her"teased Amar.

"little doe you can leave "I told her ignoring Amar.  She nodded and left but my eyes kept watching her till she disappeared out of my sight.

Meera's POV.

There comes the devil looking into my eyes as if searching something. But should I thank him as his friend said? Yes I ought to thank him for I couldn't think of what would've happened if he wasn't being nice that night but...... Nope I won't. He has done more harm than good.
He came closer in so much that I could even smell his sweet perfume .
urgghh it's HIM AGAIN. What will he do this time especially if I didn't thank him? Am sure he controlled himself that night for a reason. Seriously,to say I was scared would be understatement as I remembered who he is. Devil!

"let her go " yes! I was snapped out of my thoughts by this statement. I was shocked to hear that from him but more relieved.
"really! I thought you're enjoying, staring at her? " said Amar.

Is he staring at me?  I looked at him to notice what Amar said was true. He was staring at me all the while .

"little doe you can leave "he told me.
Little doe? Why this name?  'Meera just leave before he changes his mind' said my subconscious. Yes, he might change his mind as his stares isn't helping. My starts beating at the thought of it out of fear. I immediately took a U-turn and left from there sighing in relief.

Author's POV.
Samar kept watching her till she was out of his sight.

"why are you staring from distance? You should've used your other way" said Amar.

"what do you mean "asked Sam.

"dude you know very well what I mean" repaid Amar.

"tchissss! She's not type of those girls "he replied.

"why do you care about her type? It's not like she'd be the first virgin you.. -"Amar tried to convince but cut off
"she's different. She's not one nightstands type. Is that clear? "he said little bit irritated. 'how can he compare this innocent girl with those girls he thought.
He turned to his clients whom were ignored earlier.

"the deal is we will share it 50-50"he said .
"but we.. - the client tried to bargain but Sam cuts him off
"then the deal is cancelled "he said arrogantly.

"no no we will give you what you demand"said the other client.

"then the meeting is off since everything is sorted"he said and and walked out of the cafe. He don't want to meet her again that would create a scene he thought.

The next chapter will be fun.

Vote guys I want to know my readers. you  really motivate me to write further. Hitting the star button is easy guys. Don't be selfish.
Sorry for late update but I'd make sure I update the next chapter sooner.

Love ya

Suggestion: read 'A bond with the beast ' by arpita. Best story ever!.

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