Chapter 4 - Him again.

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Author's POV.

Dr. Nazir finishes his work. Few minutes later Meera entered the room and found the patient staring at the ceiling with thousand thoughts on his mind.

"how are you feeling now? "Meera asked.

"better.......actually thank you for bringing me here...i....i"he said.

"its okay young man... Actually do you have any family number? Ummm........your phone is nowhere to be that they'll help with the bill for I haven't paid it yet"somehow Meera managed to tell him.

"I'm sorry..... I have nobody here. I just came for studies. I'm student here. The only person I have here is she and they took her away from me "he said with wet eyes.

"wait... I don't understand. Care to explain? "asked the confused Meera.

"my name is Hassan. I and my girlfriend worked hard back in college which earned us scholarship here. We came here for studies. Unfortunately one day I came out from lectures and went to her but couldn't find her " I saw her and Amar the gangster leaving in a car " that's what her friend told me,that's why I stalked Amar to know where she is........he did this to me because he found out " cried Hassan.

"calm down and have faith. God is by your side. Have faith in him and he will ease your pain  and them?... God will punish them for their bad deeds. Just have patience and..-"she was cut by a slam on a door. She turned to see a girl of her age glaring at Hassan.

"look at what you've done to yourself. Why don't you understand that these men are out of your league. Why are you so stubborn? "shouted the girl at Hassan.

"excuse me girl. Who are you? Why are shouting at him? Can't you see his state? "interrupted Meera.

"Norah I did this because of you... You know... -"he said before he was cut.

"and who told you I want that.... OK let me make it crystal. AMAR DID NOT TAKE ME BY FORCE. I FOLLOWED HIM MYSELF BECAUSE I LIKE HIM. NO GIRL COULD EVER RESIST HIM. He has all what a girl could ask for,then why not? In fact, I'm even glad to be among his girls. So don't stalk him again as you know he won't spare you next time. Understood? "she declared.

""replied the broken Hassan.

Meera was about to take action when she was stopped by Hassan(holding her arm) and said "let her.....go"

Meera suppressed her anger and said "go and tell you fucking gangster to pay Hassan's bill as he's the one responsible "

"do you mean Amar? 😂 haha... You must be joking... Hahaha OK just take this but Amar? You're even lucky that he didn't kill "she said dropping some money on bed and left.

I never thought that there would be such a fool, asshole, bitch, cheap person like her who will leave her loving boyfriend for a jerk whom she knows she's just a nightstand for him and nothing else. Thought Meera.

She took the money though It wasn't enough for the payment but she'll manage to convince Dr. Nazir with it.
"just because you are dear to me doesn't mean you will take that as liberty always. You haven't completed your mom's bill and know this" complained Dr.Nazir.

"I'm sorry sir but trust me I'd bring the rest. He's just a student, he can't afford this kind of money and so do I but I will try my best to complete the both payments. Trust me sir "she explained.

"ok bring it soon as you know this hospital isn't mine. Am also employee here. "he said.

"I shall try sir"she said.
She went out of his cabin thinking how possible can she get the money soon. She don't what to break his trust. Moreover she don't want to put him into difficult situation as the hospital wasn't his. But she couldn't think of any other solution. Definitely she has no hope.

The Mafia's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora