Chapter 29 Anu Ball Reference

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Before reading 29 (Almost finished with it)

Here's a bachata reference in case you didn't grow up with it like I did.

How Galen x Tora dance

Tora x Micah 


Tora x Casper 

And some history if you want to keep reading

As you all know, the culture of the people of Kailea is extremely diverse due to the origin of the island. 

For those who are new and this is their 1st book with me, the island of Kailea was originally named the island of Bridgeport, founded by the triplets late great geat (Keeps going for what feels like an eternity) grandfather Thomas Grayson. 

After Thomas Grayson, a genius tech designer (You could say he was a gay Elon Musk) faced extreme prejudice in Japan over his sexuality, he decided to use his inheritance along with LGBT+ investors to found the island of Bridgeport. Where anyone, no matter race, gender, or sexuality could create a community to live, thrive, and feel safe. 

Around the world, people flocked to the island of Bridgeport's open borders and government aid seeking refuge from war-torn countries where people who identified as LGBT+ were being murdered in the streets, shifters were being hunted for their blood, and anyone who didn't fit the 'normal mold' so to speak could never find stability due to lack of support. 

When the people arrived, safe, happy, with affordable housing, a thriving economy, their creativity soared and Bridgeport quickly became the most technologically advanced country in the world. From clean renewable energy powered cars, microchip readers for all transactions implanted upon arrival or at birth, the first humanoids (Which later turned evil but there's a book for that), and so much more.

Race and culture were celebrated but never separated and after generations, it came to the point where there was no singular race of another country on Bridgeport. A new language was developed named Alohowa. LGBT became nonexistent because sexuality never had to be defined. If you liked the same gender there was no coming out, it's the same as being straight. The names for gender remained but it's never viewed as a bad thing.

And then this island was wiped away by a tsunami at the end of the 1st book in the Kailea series. Its people became refugees in Japan before transferring to a different island to start over. Meanwhile, the wolves returned to Kailea to stay connected to their strong roots embedded in the mystical soil. 

And here we are three generations after. 

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