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Axel POV

I wake up with Harri mumbling in his sleep.  I rub a hand over my face and just as I lean up to check on him.  He raises a hand and shouts "no" I grab a hold of him as the picture on the wall is shattered with a serge of power.  

"Harri, wake up its just a dream?" I cry, his eyes shoot open and he seems to calm a little.  "Are you good?" I ask at his nod, I jump from the bed and check the damage to the wall.  Thankfully no electric cables seem to have been harmed.  

I look back at Harri and he is sitting there looking at the shattered picture and small hole in the wall.  "Did I do that?" he asks I nod "you were having a dream" I explain.  

"It wasn't a dream, Alpha Roberts have given the hunters information about, four of the largest packs here in America.  They are planning to strike Alpha Turn's first as they think he is the weakest because of his age" Harri informs me.  I walk to the phone and call Alpha Mikael.  I explain about what Harri saw and he asks for the other Alpha's involved.  He then says he will come up and we'll all meet here.

Harri and I wash up and pull on some jeans and a T-shirt.  We go out to the sitting room and wait for everyone to arrive.  Harri still looks pale so, I get him a glass of milk and a coffee.  

Once everyone is here.  We sit down and listen to what Harri saw "Alpha Roberts exchanged the security details of the four biggest packs in America to the hunters.  They plan to attack within the next week starting with Alpha Turn's pack.  They will then move on to our pack. Then Alpha Luke's, then Alpha Benson's.  They have around 100 hunters.  They have already started to gather around Alpha Turn's pack.  Some camping, some staying in motels a short drive away.  The majority of them plan to come the night before the attack" Harri explains.

Alpha Turn's look like he wants to shift he is so angry "why Alpha Turn's pack first?" Alpha Mikael asks "sorry Alpha Turn, this is Alpha Roberts words.  He is old and a little behind the times.  With majority of his pack being middle aged" Harri answers.  

"They are in for a shock then, my eldest grandson's mate is a bit of a technology wiz and has up graded our security, we have hidden camera's and also electronic fencing protecting the areas that we found hard to patrol due to the area" Alpha Turn says looking slightly happier.

Alpha Benson stands up "I think we need to all work together on this.  We will plan to hit them the night before they are attacking.  We can ask the other packs for some help too" he says.  

We end up calling all the other Alpha's and spend the night planning the best way to keeping casualties to a minimum.  As we come up with ideas the Alpha's who can help in that area go and make phone calls and arrange things.  

I watch Harri tap his Dad on the shoulder and wave for him to follow him.  They walk into the bedroom and I guess he is showing his father what he did to the wall.  His father walks back out again and asks Alpha Mikael to come in the room.  

When I hear a crash, I run into the room to find Harri pointing his finger at a shattered glass.  "Sorry" I apologise.  "Do you have any special powers your hiding?" Alpha Mikael asks

I wave my hand towards the glass "no, nothing like Harrison" I tell them looking at them.  "Ur, Axel!" Harri says and nods towards the shattered glass.  "FUCK" I cry and swing my hand behind my back making all the shattered pieces of glass scatter across the room.  I look down at my hand and then back at the bits of glass now all over the floor.

I look at Harri and then his Dad "I, I have, never, what was that?" I ask shocked to my core.  Alpha Mikael is tapping his chin and looks deep in thought "I think, well lets try it?" he says not finishing his sentence.  

"Axel think about the glass and how it looked whole sitting on the bedside table" he instructs.  I look towards Harri's Dad and he nods his head.  I close my eyes and try to picture the glass as it was after Harri had drank the milk.  I open my eyes to find them all looking at me.  I glance back at the glass and find that it is now whole again as though it was never broken in the first place.

Alpha Mikael nods his head "I think you two are very special.  You can either destroy things are fix them.  We have already witnessed that Harrison can project a persons thoughts as though playing a movie.  We also saw how he turned those rogues into ash.  I think Axel can either help amplify it or calm his power.  I wonder if he has another talent?" he says looking at the glass and tapping his chin again.  "Have you tried talking to other shifters from other packs using the link?" he asks I shake my head no.  

He steps in front of me "try it with me?" he orders.  I look into his eyes, try and talk to him over the link.  Nothing happens though and I go to step back when he touches my arm.  

"Try again" he says without letting go of my arm.  'I don't think this is going to work' I think and then jump slightly when I hear a number of people asking me 'what isn't going to work?' I look at Alpha Mikael and he smiles back at me. 'Calm yourselves people, everything is good' Alpha Mikael tells his pack before letting go of my arm. 

"He just linked my whole pack" he tells Alpha Blackwood, Harri's Dad.  "I can feel the power that emanates from them both, can you?" he adds we watch as he nods his head.  

"I think every Alpha felt it in the meeting.  First the power from Harrison and then the protective power that came from Axel.  He made some of them uncomfortable with his, touch him you die aura" Alpha Blackwood says making Alpha Mikael chuckle.  

He moves towards Harri's Dad "if we can capture one of the hunters we can stop this before they even really start" he stage whispers as we'd hear him anyway.  

Alpha Blackwood slaps him on the shoulder.  "Should we tell the other Alpha's?" he asks Mikael shakes his head "I don't know if we can trust them all.  Let's keep it to ourselves for now and we will try and come up with a plan to find which ones we can trust" he says.

We join the others and carry on with the plan.  They start leaving around 2am and I feel tired so Harri must be feeling worn out.  He started to move around the room talking to the other Alpha's and touching their arms or patting their backs.  

He kept it low key so his eyes didn't start glowing but I think he got a read on most of them.  "We'll meet in my office tomorrow" Mikael says as he is the last one to leave.  Harri's Dad hugs us both "get some rest as we'll be busy for the next few days" he says before leaving us.

"I'm dead on my feet, I hope I don't cause more damage from dreams" Harri says yawning and taking off his T-shirt as he walks to the bedroom.  By the time he has reached the bathroom door he has just his boxes on.  I pull my jeans off and T-Shirt and walk into the bathroom.  Harri has just finished peeing and is washing his hands.  

I go to the toilet as he starts brushing his teeth.  I then join him at the sink.  "I feel as though I've fell down the rabbit hole.  How the hell have I never discovered I could do, what I did?" I ask still stunned, "I'm glad I'm not the only freak out there, but also sorry too, as I feel as though, I was the one that dragged you down this rabbit hole" he says as he rinses his mouth.  "I'm pleased if it can help you" I tell him honestly. 

 He leans up and kisses my cheek "once this whole mess is sorted you and I are going to lock ourselves into a room somewhere and I'll show you just how happy, I am to have you by myside" he says wriggling his eyebrows.  

I smile and nod my agreement as I finish up brushing my teeth.  "I'll set the alarm, and you had better keep your word!" I say as I follow him out the bathroom and climb into bed next to him.  

"I keep thinking that one of the hunters looked familiar but haven't been able to place him yet" Harri says as he moves back so he is the little spoon.  "Relax for now and just sleep, we'll figure it out" I assure him.  

I kiss his head and he holds the hand, I've wrapped around him.  "Night Axel" he murmurs sweetly.  "Night Harri" I answer back.

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