Open Road

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After hearing what Axel said I deliberately didn't look over at Trevor.  Once we have our cap and gown.  I'm helping fix Axel's gown so it falls properly on his broad shoulders.  Everything about Axel is on the big side.  

His dark brown eyes can look like black pools when angry.  I love his eyes "what, did you jump into his bed as soon as I left?" Trevor spits from behind me.  

I turn slowly to face him "has it got anything to do with you?" I ask looking him in the eyes.  His mouth pulls to a thin line. "I never thought you'd fall into the nearest bed to get over me!" he sneers 

I surprise him and myself by laughing "Trevor, he is worth 10 of you.  You! Were the one to end things so be a good dick, and piss off" I say, watching the emotions cross his face.  

He decides on anger and balls his fist.  "I'll remind you that, I allowed you to take me.  If you even think of lifting a hand to me.  I'll kick your ass out this fucking room, and over too the next state!" I warn, staring at him and letting him feel some of my anger.  

He thinks better of it and backs down.  "Your not worth it" he mutters" I hope the good, little girl your looking for kicks your balls into your throat so you can choke on them!" I say ever so sweetly.  

He storms from the room muttering about not really knowing someone.  I turn back around and see Axel's black angry eyes on the door, Trevor just walked out.  

I lean up and kiss his cheek "he's not worth the anger Axel, lets finish this and hit the road?" I say pulling my own gown on.  Axel helps me straighten it out and then helps put my cap on.  

We walk from the room and I feel a little better after showing my anger to Trevor.  As we walk into the gardens, I look around for Mum.  "She's there" Axel says bending down a little and pointing. 

I wave when are eyes meet and she blows me a kiss.  I blow her one back and she waves to Axel.  We are told to take our seats.  Axel pats my shoulder as he walks to the stage.  

Not only is he handsome, big, loaded, but he has brains as well.  He is giving the student address as Valedictorian.

As he finishes his speech, I have to wipe the tears from my eyes.  Our names are read out and we walk up and collect our degrees.  This is only half of my medical as I have three years of residency to go through and then a final exam to pass, before I become a doctor and then another year or two if I decide to specialise in anyone thing. 

 After I get mine, I walk to Mum and give her a hug.  "Take care, and don't stay up all night?" I warn her "I will, don't worry and sleeping is getting better" she assures me. 

"When do you leave for your trip?" she asks "after this.  We hope to get a few hundred miles of road between us and here before we stop" I tell her.  "Keep your phone charged, and pack the pepper spray" she says.  

Axel walks up and gives her a hug "thank you for taking care of my boy.  I know if he's with you he'll be alright" she says squeezing his arm "take care and eat regularly" he answers back hugging her again.  

I see Mums eyes widen before, he lets her go.  She looks at me and stares before shaking her head and hugging me again.  

"Remember I love you, I've done the best I can" she tells me.  "You're the best Mum" I assure her and hear her sniff.  

"Your son is all grown up, have some faith" I joke and get rewarded with a smile.  She gives us a wave as she leaves "do you want to stay for the group photo?" Axel asks 

"Hell no, we'll take one of us as we leave" I say and he laughs as we walk back to hand our cap and gowns back.  We take a quick picture of us in them and then a couple more as we leave the university and head to the car.

An idea strikes as we drive back towards our apartment "I might make a video blog for us to look back on of our trip" I say

Axel nods "good idea, everyone will see just how well, I take care of you" he jokes.  Once we are back he switches car spaces with his SUV and car.  "Eat here or grab drive through as we head out of town?" he asks "drive through" I decide.  

We live in Cincinnati, Ohio and have decided to take the highway West.  We have three months before we have to start our residencies.  

Once we have packed the SUV and I find out that Axel already has a stove, plates, bowls knives and forks and other things we will need in a covered tote box.  We place two pillows and blankets in the back as well and with our packed bags, we are ready to hit the road.  

I've changed my jeans and shirt for shorts and a Monster Ink T-shirt and sandals. Axel is wearing shorts black with a red strip down the outside leg and a black T-shirt with a red pair of lips on the front.  He is wearing trainers on his feet.  

We head out and my heart starts to feel lights as we drive away from everything here.  We do a Tim's drive through getting sandwiches, donuts and I get two bottles of soda and Axel gets a large coffee.  

I choose a playlist and play it through the cars Bluetooth.  I see Axel roll his eyes when Rollin starts to play.  I sing along with my window rolled down.  Until we hit the highway and then I roll it up as we are going to fast.

The miles soon start adding up as we clear state lines.  We travel through Illinois.  We stop just before we cross another state line and pull down a dirt track after getting a pizza from a shop we passed.  

Axel pulls off the road and kills the engine.  We are surrounded by crops.  We sit in the trunk with the door open to eat the pizza.  The sun is just going down.  The pizza fills us up and we wash it down with bottled water.  

I cover my mouth as I yawn "all, I've done is sit and watch you drive why am I tired?" I question Axel laughs 

"Probably all that singing and chair bopping" he jokes and then dodges as I try and hit him.  We push the back seats down and sort out the bed for the night.  

"Open air just like, I like it" I look at Axel "if you like the open air so much why live in the city?" I question he looks at me a little blankly "didn't you just say open air, just like I like it?" I question again.  "Did you hear someone say that?" he asks 

I look around and then back at him "there is only you and I here?" I say raising my eyebrows.  he nods "true must be more tired than I thought" he says.  

We brush our teeth and take a leak a little away from the car.  We climb into the back and close the door.  As it is still warm, I lay on top of the blanket.  "Pull it to the side, it will get cold once the sun is down properly" Axel instructs "yes mother" I say pulling it from under me and leaving it to the side.  

Axel turns the interior light off and it is rather dark now.  I blink a few times trying to see a little clearer.  I blink again, when things do seem to focus better and I can see Axel watching me closely.  

"You alright?" I ask he blinks and looks into my eyes "er, yeah. Big or little spoon?" he asks 

"Little is fine you need to stretch out more" I answer.  

He pulls me close as I turn my back to him.  "I think we should drive through the next two states tomorrow as there isn't much to see" he says "sure but let me drive some tomorrow" I suggest and feel him nod.  I close my eyes and let sleep take me.

I wake up alone in the back of the SUV the next morning.  I sit up and see Axel pacing in front of the car a little way, away talking on the phone.  He runs his fingers through his hair and rubs the shadow forming on his chin.  

He looks back towards the car and I wave.  He waves back before ending the call.

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