Room Full of Powerful Alpha's

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Harrison POV

We are in a suit at Alpha Mikael's hotel.  He has his security team digging into Alpha Roberts past and present.  I feel guilty when I look at Axel now knowing how much he has done for me.  

Ever since I fried the rogues after realising they killed my mate and my mind decided to shut that memory out with the first 8 years of my life.  

He has been by my side.  Mum and Dad made the difficult choice of moving me away from the pack when they realised, I wasn't in touch with my  wolf anymore.  So from the age of 11, I lived away from the pack.  

When I showed signs of aggression during high school, they asked Axel if he could be with me.  We have been friends since we were little pups.

He also lost his mate that day and I never knew.  After coming around in hospital a month after I'd gone all hell fire.  I didn't remember anything of my life before.  

I was scared of my Dad, I think on a subconscious level. I thought he's be mad that I turned Jaz and Sunny to ash.  Mum and I lived in a house within the town and not in the pack house after I came out of the hospital.  I groan and flip over to my stomach where I'm laying on the bed.

Axel walks over to me and sits on the bed "stop thinking about it.  You saved us, the pack or your parents don't hold you responsible for what happened.  We love you Harri" he assures me 

I look at him and try to smile.  "You had to live away from your parents and pack.  I didn't even remember you, when you came to my high school?" I say sadly

"You would have done the same for me" he says shrugging and I would have too.  "It makes me feel weak? I admit "what we went through and what you had to do.  No-one should have to go through Harri and I've seen your wolf in action there is nothing weak about him.  

Losing a mate is bad for us, what it must be like for our wolves is a hundred times worse.  I was late to shifting.  My wolf only started to talk to me again, when I came to be with you" he says rubbing my back.  I lean into him thankful that he is with me.

Today is the day, Alpha Mikael has sent up two suits for us to wear.  I'm excited, but also a little nervous.  Everyone would have heard about what I did and what happened to me and having to live away from the pack.  

I sit on the sofa biting my lip "Harri, you'll be fine.  Don't forget you have Alpha blood running through your veins" Axel assures me  "that seems to make my breakdown worse" I admit

I look at his handsome profile and not for the first time wished that I'd never met Trevor.  When I think about how I use to gush about him.  I cringe my mind takes me back to the hospital when he had kissed me happy, that I'd woke up.  

I stop biting my lips and run my tongue over it to sooth it.  "Axel do you mind if I ask you a question? You don't have to answer, if you don't want" I ask him.  

He sits beside me on the sofa "shoot" he says smiling.  I swallow and grip my hands together in my lap "when you kissed me in the hospital.  Did you mean to do it?" I ask only now realising just how important his answer is to me.  

"I was so happy you woke up, I couldn't help myself" he answers I nod and start to play with the material of my boxes.  "Er, what I mean is, I'm a male too" I stutter not being able to look in his eyes. 

My eyes snap to his, when he takes my chin and pushes it up to look at him.  "I like you Harri, always have, but when I came out to be with you.  I realised what a genuinely nice guy you are.  You always look on the bright side and would give your last cent to a friend.  I also loved how you stick up for your friends.  You will never allow anyone to bully a smaller or weaker person" he says.  His compliments make my cheeks heat.

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