A Push From Within

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I'm driving, we just stopped for a proper lunch at a restaurant chain.  I had chicken pasta while Axel ate a 8oz steak.  As I'm driving he gets to choose the music.  

We are currently listening to The Beatles greatest hits.  I'm singing along with, I want to hold your hand.  We have crossed one state and will be coming up to another in about 123km.

Axel has been quiet most of the time.  I can see he is thinking about something.  I let him think as he will tell me once he has sorted things out.  

"Do you want to check your phone to see if we can find a place to pull over and park for the night?" I ask him, he nods and takes out his phone.  

I hum along to the Beatles as he looks at his phone "Just inside Nebraska state there seems to be a place we can pull over and park" he tells me.  I check the gas gage "we will have to stop soon for gas" I say and he leans over and looks at the gage.  

He pushes something on the middle screen.  We should be good for at least another 92km he says and I glance at the screen and see a tank thumbnail and 92km written next to it.  

"Cool" I say smiling.  We start to discuss what, we should do tomorrow and then later about what we should eat.

As we pull into a gas station my stomach growls "after that large lunch and its still complaining" I say as I hope out. 

Axel is filling the tank up "I'm going to pay and grab some snacks" I tell him as I head inside.  I see a hot food counter and get two large hot dogs as well as some snacks and some more drinks and a large coffee for Axel.  

I pay the man behind the counter for everything including the gas and put everything inside the SUV.  "Need to pee back in a min" I say waving to Axel and heading around the side of the building.  I use the washroom and wash my hands.

As I walk back around the building, I see two men trying to push Axel away from the car.  

"Hey dick heads leave him alone" I shout running up to them.  They laugh and sneer at Axel "who is your little friend lover boy" the one with really greasy hair asks.  

"Back off, we don't want any trouble" Axel says.  They go to say something else but the guy behind the counter is holding a rifle.  They hold up their hands and climb into their truck.

I check Axel is alright before climbing back into the drivers seat.  I wave thanks to the man holding the rifle as I drive away.  "Suppose you get dickheads everywhere" I say trying to lighten the mood.  

Axel is texting someone "are you sure your alright?" I ask "yeah! what did you buy?" he asks "hot dog's, big ones" I say smiling and smacking my lips.  

He reaches into the back and takes both hotdogs.  He holds one up for me to bite and I grin as I take a big bite from it.  "Umm, yummy but if we keep eating like this.  You'll have to roll me around the hospital" I say licking my lips. 

We stop a couple of hours later and grab burger and fries to eat, before we find the place Axel found to pull over and sleep.  We still haven't crossed the state line yet.  

We eat the burgers while leaning against the car.  "I need a pee again" I say looking at the empty soda bottles littering the floor of the back of the car.  "I'll come with you as I didn't get to go last time" Axel says and we lock the car and walk off to find a tree to pee against.  

We are just zipping up, when a twig snaps behind us.  Axel spins around and grabs my arm.   

" Aw what do we have here?" the greasy headed guy says from the gas station.  He moves quickly and tries to kick Axel.  Axel dodges but his mate manages to get a punch in. 

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