Skyline - Chapter Seven

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Skylar was my only way out. I remembered that there was a city quite close by. I could get there within a few days. If only I had a map. There was a hiking track up the mountains nearby, me and Tye had ridden there once. There was a supply shack; they would probably have maps there.

I didn't know what I'd do in the City, but it was a plan at least. I decided that Maia or Tye should not have any knowledge of my growing tattoo or dreams, or of my leaving. I also decided that I should leave by the end of the week; it was Wednesday today. That should give me four days.

There was a knock at my door.

"Hello" I said. The door opened and Tyrell came in.

"I'm going out on Nessus, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?" He said sweetly.

"Oh that would be great" Maybe we would go up to the hiking track and I could make an excuse to go and get a map. He smiled.

I tacked up Skylar. We lead the horses to the road.

"Can we go up to the hiking track? I love the view." I asked sweetly, trying not to be suspicious.

"Of course, I love it there too." He replied, while mounting Nessus. I got on Skylar. He whinnied. So did Nessus.

"They like each other" Tye said, patting Nessus' neck. I stroked Skylar, running my hand through his mane. A part of me didn't want to leave, but I felt like a burden more and more every day.

We trotted most of the way, taking in the view and enjoying the countryside. We made idle conversation. Then I saw the hiking shack. I tried to think of a reason I would need to go in there.

"I need to go to the toilet." I said, it was the first idea that came to my mind, "Excuse me" I said, dismounting Skylar.

"I'll stay here with the horses." He said he had also dismounted as I handed the reins to Tye.

The shack was full of hiking supplies; from water bottles; to walking sticks. The shelves were piled high. I looked around for any maps. There was an old woman at the counter; her hair was grey and matted into plaits with ribbons and beads entwined into the mess.

"What are you looking for?" She said in a husky voice as our eyes met.

"Do you have any maps?" I asked, "That show the city on them" I added. She said nothing. She reached under the counter and retrieved a fold up map, which she unfolded, she gestured me to come up to the counter, and drew a line from here to the city, "There's a path for horses,but ti's not shown on this map; just the road, so take this route if you're going by horse" She smiled

"Here" She folded it back up and handed it to me, "You're not tourist are you? You look like The Fawley girl... Maia's adopted daughter, what was her name?" She clicked her finger trying to remember.

"I'm just staying with the Fawleys for a while, I'm headed to the city though," I gestured the map.

I searched my pocket for change, but she shook her head and waved her hand, "I owe Maia so don't worry, tell her I said hey," I nodded.

I put the map delicately in my pocket, the pockets on these jeans I was wearing were very deep. Tyrell would not see the map.

"Thank you" I said politely.

I walked outside to find Tyrell sitting on Nessus, Skylar trotted up to me, nuzzling under my chin.

"Why'd you let him go? What if he had ran away?" I asked, grasping Skylar's reins.

"He tried to follow you. He pulled out of my grasp. But I called him back, he's very obedient, and fond of you" Tye smiled. I stroked Skylar's nose.

"Good boy" I whispered to Skylar.

I had done it. I had the map. I had not much to do now. All that was left was to leave. That would be difficult; mentally. I made a plan, hoping I would stay by it.

At night, after Tye and Maia had gone to bed, I would sneak out to the stables, taking as many clothes and money and food with me as I could. Then I would tack up Skylar. Hoping that I hadn't woken anyone up; I could leave easily. My only obstacle would be myself.

I decided that the longer I left it the harder it would be. I decided I would leave on Friday.

Finally Friday came, I would leave tonight.

There was a large satchel in the back of the wardrobe. I filled it with clothes and a spare pair of shoes. I needed to get some money, and food.

I looked at the sparse wardrobe; the orange dress was still there. I couldn't take it; I didn't need it.

It was midday, I had missed breakfast, but nobody would be in the kitchen now.

I went downstairs, Maia and Tye were feeding the chickens, I could see them through the window, now was my chance. I knew where Maia kept the money. It was in a jar, underneath the sink. I took a twenty pound note, and a five pound note and some change. I closed the cupboard.

I felt like a thief; I was a thief.

I looked out of the window; they were walking to the cowshed. I took a few rolls of bread and some ham. I picked up some tissues also; to wrap the food in.

I ran back upstairs and placed the stolen items in the satchel. I hid the satchel under my bed, until I needed it tonight.

I walked downstairs casually, just as Maia came in through the door.

"Good afternoon" I said.

"Hi Kaliska. Tye was going to go out on Nessus, he might want you to go with him." Maia said.

"Oh that would be great." I said. I would have one last ride with him.

We went to the river first, galloping all the way. With the gusty winds blowing through my golden hair. I could feel my eyes glowing. It almost felt like flying. Here I felt most at home. But nothing compared to the sky.


Even though I felt like I had wings again. I knew I didn't.

And that is why I must leave. I need to find out what is happening to me, to my back. There had to be more like me. I must find them. I can't be alone.

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