Skyline - Chapter Six

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We galloped through the forest; Tyrell was slightly in front of me. I could ride, but I wasn't anywhere near as good as he was. Tyrell was riding Nessus; a tall, strong horse, he was a pretty chestnut colour and he had four white socks; they were all the same height, except the one on his right foreleg went up to his knee. He also had a blaze down his nose, which was slightly wonky. I was riding Skylar, finally he was old enough. He had grown into the most beautiful horse imaginable; to me anyway. He was a dapple grey as Tyler had told me. His mane was grey and so was his tail, except it was golden on the end; like my hair.

I spurred Skylar forward. I knew he could go faster than Nessus. Tyler and I were racing to the river, on the edge of the forest. He looked over at me and furrowed his brow; he then smirked and made Nessus go faster.

We both got to the river at the same time. Neither of us had any intention of losing, so no one did; however nobody won either. We let the horses drink and we stood by a tree, watching them.

"You're good" Tyrell said, leaning against the tree.

"You're better" I replied. He said nothing for a while.

"What are you going to read next?" He finally spoke.

"The Catcher in the Rye" I replied, "I stole it from your shelf, last night, I hope you don't mind," I smiled, biting into the apple I'd brought with me, and throwing one to Tyrell, "I couldn't sleep"

"That's a good book," He caught the apple and threw it in the air twice before deciding where to start, then gave it to Nessus instead.

"I've nearly finished it" I grinned.

We got back to the farm in time for lunch; Maia was in the kitchen, making sandwiches. She smiled at us, but said nothing. We sat down at the table. It was then that I noticed it was a very quiet household, and it must have been even quieter before I arrived. Cynthia must've been really special to them; Like Aris was to me.

Maia put the plates on the table, as I tried to make conversation with Tyrell;

"Tyrell, how old were you when you learnt to ride?" I asked casually.

"Call me Tye" He said, "And about five years old, I think."

"Okay, Tye, so you've been riding for a long time then" I said. He didn't reply; I didn't try to make conversation again. We ate in silence. Maia picked up our empty plates and put them in the sink. Tyre- Tye went out to the stables; I decided to help Maia wash up. She washed; I dried.

"You have fun riding the horses?" she said.

"Mhmm" I agreed.

She said nothing more. I turned to go outside, after we had finished washing the dishes.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo" Maia said.

"A what?" I asked, turning back around.

"A tattoo, on your shoulder blade" She came over and reached past me; poking the skin on my right shoulder blade gently. I didn't know what a tattoo was and I didn't want to look stupid, so I just nodded. I went up to my room, to see what my tattoo looked like.

In my mirror stood a girl with long golden hair, and amber eyes; me. I wore light jeans and a sleeveless top. A scowl forming on my forehead. I turned around slowly, facing away from the mirror. I turned my head to find a tattoo on my right shoulder blade, it was quite visible; though very small. I pulled the strap of my top down to reveal the rest of it. It was the base of a wing, clear enough. I knew it was. It couldn't be anything else.

However, I thought, I can't remember it being there before; how peculiar. I like the word peculiar; I'd read it in books.

I pulled the strap back up on my shoulder. I miss Aris, I thought. I sat on my bed leaning up against the headboard, thinking about the stories she told me of my mother. Her wings, her voice, her laugh; Aris told me everything. Bejide, I remembered, that was her name.

I fell asleep, and dreamt about my mother, and her wings.

When I woke, it was the next day. I stayed in bed for a while, until I remembered my tattoo. I got up and looked in the mirror. What? The tattoo had changed. There was no longer just the base of a wing on my right shoulder blade; there was another one, on my left shoulder blade. Either I had missed it yesterday or it had appeared overnight. I slipped on a jumper and tried to forget about it.

That day passed quickly, and so did the next and the next. I checked my shoulder blades every morning. It scared me every day; a new part of a wing appeared on my back every day. Alternating between either of my shoulder blades, first my right, then my left.

I started having strange dreams too. I dreamt more about Hinter and Aris; somehow they got into my mind every night. Then My dreams started getting quite real, and sometimes rather violent. I sometimes awoke in a cold sweat, the blankets soaked. I  just sat on the floor until morning when that happened.

Until I could take it no longer.

I felt that I couldn't speak to Tye or Maia about it. So I decided the best thing to do. The tattoos were fully covering my back now. And, though it hurt me. I had no other choice. I had to leave.


A/N: Hey guys, its short but the next part will be longer! I promise! Been quite busy lately, but I'll definitely update again by Monday!

By the way, Kaliska's mother's name (Bejide) Is pronounce (Bay-jeed)

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