Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'8

Best Friend: Perseus

Power: Orion can communicate with animals.

Personality: Orion is a confident, smug boy. He knows how desired he is amongst the ladies and like Leo, does not hold back when flirting. He cares about nature deeply and always has been an outdoor boy.

 He cares about nature deeply and always has been an outdoor boy

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Full Name: Ara Altar

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'4

Best Friend: Andromeda

Power: Ara's power is when she focuses she can summon any object, the larger the object the more tiring it is to summon it.

Personality: Ara is a smart, confident yet sweet girl. She has always been grounded and in touch. She's a social butterfly with many friends but her closest matter to her the most.

 She's a social butterfly with many friends but her closest matter to her the most

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Full Name: Aquila Eagle

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'7

Best Friend:

Power: Aquila has super sight.

Personality: Aquila is a smart and observant person. He tends to view the situation before acting on it. His intellect is amongst the highest and Celestial Academy.

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