The Summer Masquerade Ball

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Lee and the twins as well as Harry and Ron were now ready and had already made their way to the entrance of the Great Hall waiting for the girls to come down before going into the ball

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Lee and the twins as well as Harry and Ron were now ready and had already made their way to the entrance of the Great Hall waiting for the girls to come down before going into the ball.

'Come on Flo, let's go!' Ginny said excitedly.

'You guys go ahead; I can't find the necklace my dad gave me.' Flo said looking around her area for the moon shaped necklace.

'See you down there Flo.' Hermione said as she left with Ginny.

Flo after a while of searching found the necklace and placed it round her neck and did up the clasp of the golden chain.

She then looked in the mirror one last time before heading off to the Great Hall to find everyone.

She arrived at the steps that led down to the entrance of the Hall.

'You girls look beautiful.' Lee said to Hermione and Ginny.

'Where's Flo?' Fred asked.

'Look Freddie.' George said looking up at Flo who was coming down the stairs towards them.

Fred turned around as did everyone else. Everyone's looked at her with amazement and their mouths were gaped at how perfect she looked.

She walked down the steps in her elegant dress. She looked utterly flawless.

Her hair flowed behind her in tight curls and her hazel eyes shone brightly.

'She looks beautiful.' Fred said looking at her with complete admiration.

'She really does.' Hermione agreed.

Flo arrived and smiled at them widely.

'What are you all staring at? Don't tell me I have something on my face.' Flo said.

'No, You look stunning Flo.' Lee said smiling at her.

'Thanks Lee.' Flo said with a beaming smile.

'Well let's put on our masquerade masks and go in.' Harry said.

They all put on their masks and entered the hall.

It was decorated with golden embellishments, stunning flowers and fairy lights strung up from wall to wall.

They all made their way to the dance floor where other students were, and everyone danced together to the music.

Lee and the twins left the others to get punch and when they got there they started to fill their goblets with the punch.

'She really does look amazing.' Fred said to the two of them as he watched Flo dancing happily.

Even though they were wearing masks Fred could recognise her smile from fifty miles away. Her smile always had a way of lightening up even the darkest of rooms.

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