Simeon's What!? Part 6

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Rosaline stepped through the portal into the human realm, right in front of the club. "Rosaline!?" A spritely young woman came running up from behind her. "Where did you go!? No, no... Actually why did you come back?? We heard what happened." She hugged Rosie tight. "There, there Julia. It's okay." Patting the smaller angel in disguise on the head. "No, Rosaline it isn't! A shady white-haired man came into town a while ago. They say he's a wizard and Malik hired him to find you. He's scaaary powerful and wicked." She stressed. 'Good, looks like Solomon is doing his job well.' Rosie thought to herself.

Julia held onto Rosaline's arm, trying to stop her from going forward. "Princess, please! You have to leave!" She pleaded. "Do not worry, child! He is on our side." Rosie admitted. "T-the wizard!?" She nodded her head and smiled down at Julia. The others would be coming through soon. The plan was to get Malik out within 10 minutes so she had to move.

"Julia, you need to go. It's going to get dangerous." Rosie demanded. "Princess, please tell me what happened and what is going on?" - "I don't have time right now, but what I can say is that I found Simeon in Devildom and things are about to get ugly. So please, go!" The young angel's eyes widened but she didn't ask any other questions as she backed away and left her princess. "Well, well... I thought I sensed a heavenly presence." Rosaline recognized the voice. 'Solomon'!

He appeared from the darkness of the club in a fresh Dior suit. She had to admit he looked good, very mob boss. If she didn't know better, she would have thought he was really one of them. He strode his way down the stairs, into the sunlight with a devious smirk plastered on his face. She really hoped he was still in their side. She didn't really trust him all that much to begin with. As his feet hit the bottom step, another figure emerged from the building. This time it was Malik and he looked all too pleased to see her there. "Well, hello there beautiful." He smirked. "I'm glad you came back in your own accord. Seems my wizard friend here was on the verge of finding your little hide out. I was shocked when you just disappeared into thin air like that. It was too bad, just when it was getting good." He snickered.

Rosie froze listening to him speak with so much venom. He was really something. It was making her uneasy. She hoped Solomon would step in if needed. "See, Solomon here is a very powerful sorcerer and myself? I'm, as you know, a very successful hunter. No one ever gets away from me, so when you did, well I just could help myself. Solomon appeared looking for work, so I paid him a generous amount to look into where you had gone." This worried Rosie. That would explain the new suit Solomon wore. It made her even more uneasy of the current position of his loyalties.

"Solomon commands 72 demons. Ain't that something? And he works for me! I can have so much fun now. Maybe he can summon some of his underlings to destroy you. It would be satisfying to do it myself, but I'm more interested to see what a demon would do to a poor, sweet, angel like you. Aren't you, Solomon?" Solomon's eyes lit up as he grinned at the other man standing next to him. "Heh, I sure would." He chuckled. "Let's find out shall we?" Rosie was so scared, she almost missed the signal Solomon gave her before calling upon...

BARBATOS! 'Thank Heavens!!' Rosie sighed in relief. With that, the portal opened earlier than expected but Barbatos, Diavolo, and Lucifer didn't miss a beat!

"STAY!" Solomon bellowed the command, startling the group. Barbatos held his arms out to prevent Diavolo and Lucifer barreling forward. The silence was deafening as everyone looked around at each other. "Impressive, Solomon! Kind of terrifying as well, how easy that was. Not only did you summon one, but he brought friends. Please introduce me to them?" Malik grinned. "This is Barbatos. He is under my command. The others are the famous Lucifer Morningstar, fallen angel, and Diavolo, prince of Devildom ..... And your worst nightmare!" Solomon revealed as he finally showed his intentions. "Barbatos, now!!" He yelled as he held Malik in place. Malik fight back with everything he had as Barbatos opened the portal for Simeon, Mammon, and the Twins to step through. "What the hell!? Boys get them!!" Malik shouted.

Chaos ensued as what looked like a war broke out. Dozens of men erupted from the building, trying to take the demons out, but failing miserably. "Rosie!? Rosie??" Simeon called out as he looked for his beloved. "Over here!" She yelled back. She just got finished knocking out one of Malik's goons. "Love, you should go back through the portal while its still open. I think Barbatos is trying to keep it up while he fights so you can escape. "I won't leave!" She fought back. "Fine, just please stay out of the fight! You're injured!" Simeon pleaded. He heard Lucifer call to him and ran back to fight. As he did so, he noticed the other angels that came disguised in the town with Rosie had also joined the fight.


Once the demons had most of Malik's henchmen under control, they tied them together near the entrance of the building. "Where is Malik!?" Solomon asked. "He must have slipped away. We have to find him!" Simeon answered. "I have a tracking spell I can use. Hold on." Solomon used a spell that lit a trail of footprints out toward the park. "Uh... Guys, Rosaline is missing as well." Diavolo observed. "No!" Simeon cried. "She was right beside me! How did he manage to take her? I should have protected her!" "It's alright! They aren't far. Let's go." Solomon led the group.

"Let her go Malik!" Solomon demanded as they trapped him in a corner. "No one move! Or this pretty angel gets it!" Malik spit. He held a blade to Rosaline's throat. Celestial Steel. Rosaline's eyes were closed. She looked so peaceful, was she meditating? Praying? Simeon could just sit there and watch anymore. Be sprang forward. Lucifer and Mammon following his action. Simeon barreled into Malik just seconds after Mammon grabbed Rosaline. He tackled him to the ground and started throwing punches. "How dare you touch her, you disgusting, sinful, son of a bit-" "Simeon!! Simeon!!! Stop!" Rosaline cried. Simeon continued to hit Malik. "You are sick! You should have never touched my Rosie!" Blood covered Simeon's fists as he continued to loose his proper angel-like composure. Rosaline had never seen him so crazed. "SIMEON, PLEASE STOP! You're going to kill him!" She shouted. "I don't care!" He yelled back. "S-Simeon... Please....please stop." She broken away from Mammon, or maybe he let her go. She got on her knees and hugged Simeon tightly from behind, begging him to stop. "Don't let him ruin you. Don't let him ruin us." She pleaded softly. "If you kill him, you could be stripped of you rank. Don't do this. Let one of them handle him." She gestured to the demons.

Simeon stopped and looked at his fists covered in Malik's blood. He looked down at Malik, who was laying beneath him unconscious. Then he looked at Rosaline and began to break down in tears, realizing what he had done. Rosaline wrapped her arms around him as he wept. "Its okay, Simeon. It's over now." She whispered, soothing his pain. "I-I'm sorry." He sniffled. "Shhh...I know. Its okay." She cooed.

"Whoa, Simeon just went full berserk. Didn't think I'd ever see that!" Mammon whistled. "Mammon, quiet. Its time to go." Lucifer led him and the others toward the portal as Beel retrieved Malik. Rosaline pulled Simeon up off the ground and wiped the tears from his face. "Come now, lets go back to Devildom and get you cleaned up." "I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you..." He choked. "Nonsense, Sims. I am here for you just as much as you are here for me. Come now." She smiled sweetly, guiding him to the others.

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