Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part Two

Start from the beginning

Treasure laughed, his eye lights glowing happily.

"Maybe twenty-one will be the one," he said softly.


It was a beautiful day, the sun shone reflecting off a bountiful ocean. Waves whispered onto a white sand beach, there was the cry of seagulls in the distance.

The traveller had no clue what had caused him t come to this far away beach in a nameless beach, he carefully kept the napping Treasure inside the shaded inside of his clothing.

Carefully he walked down the shore, the tang of salt in the air.

A cry filled the air.

At first he thought it was another bird, then he realized it wasn't.

Someone was crying, screaming there grief to an uncaring sky.

He paused as great grieving sobs filled the air, the others voice hoarse from there grief.

"Who's there!" the voice demanded.

With that Traveller headed towards the voice.


How much heartbreak could one take.

His AU gone.

His twin gone.

He was alone.

Nightmare wanted to rage his grief at surviving the end.

So he'd come across an abandoned AU to grieve, away from people asking if he was okay after Hates rampage had destroyed his home.

Hate... if he hadn't been killed, Nightmare supposed he'd had a way to push himself on wards.

No revenge...

No nothing..

Maybe he should go fight the Destroyer Fresh, let them corrupt there body till he died till it didn't hurt anymore.

Ink the Creator had tried to get him to join his cause, but Nightmare could tell he was soulless and had no interest.

"Who's there!" he cried out, as he realized he heard a sound that couldn't be an animal.

"I'm sorry for intruding on your grief," a voice said, moments later a strange skeleton child walked into the grove he'd been in.

"Leave.." he demanded.

Suddenly a wail filled the air, a child's wail.

"Please give me a moment," the child said, and gently pulled a tiny baby bone out of the shaded embrace of his top. "Hey now Treasure, did we wake you up."

"wah wah wah..." the baby cried, yellow magic filled tears at there eyes sockets.

"He looks hungry," Nightmare said, a small smile on his face.

Children were so innocent.

"Treasure is always hungry, most babies are... good thing I have a lot of magic to feed him," the other said.

"A parent should feed him, not a child. Or at least an adult," Nightmare said unhappily.

"Little baby bones Treasure doesn't have parents, were looking for the right parents or parent for him. You could say this is his second run in life, I want him to have a happy life this time around," the child said.

"Can.. I hold him?" Nightmare asked, and froze for a moment when he realized what he had asked.

"Sure," the child said, the singular visible eye light looking at him.

Moments later, a tiny fragile form rested in his arms a tiny skull against his chest.

"Oh.." he said started, as the baby began to feed on his magic.

"Amazing isn't is," the child told him smiling.

"Yes, it is," he whispered, and blinked realizing he was crying at how happy this made him feel.

"I... want to live," he whispered "I forgot what happiness felt like."

"There is always happiness to be found," the child replied.

Tiny Treasure yawned, and feel asleep trustfully.

"He'll need a lot of work, a second chance at life isn't easy," the strange child said.

"Hard work I can do, this will be my second chance too.." Nightmare said, realizing what he wanted to do.

"You'll be a good parent Nightmare, now what name will you him," he was asked.

"Sol, he will be named Sol," he whispered.

"Sol, a good strong name," the child replied "Good luck."

"Wait!" Nightmare said head snapping up, but the child was gone the only proof he'd been there was Sol and prints in the sand.

He didn't even know the child's name.

"Sol... we have eternity before us, I wonder.. are you Dream's gift to make sure I move onward?" Nightmare said after a few minutes.

"Stupid Dream, even looking after me from beyond the grave."

Note: This was a passive nightmare., in case your confused

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