bubble baths (chapter 9)

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(Harry's pov)

"Harry, you told me you figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now." Y/n scolded. Unfortunately, she had just found out that I lied to her about the egg.

"Really? I had no idea." I snapped back, sarcastically.

"Why didnt you ask me or Hermione for help? Because now, you've just dug yourself a bigger hole-"

"I know, y/n. I know." I said, clearly annoyed.

She gave me a sympathetic look. "You are trying to figure this egg out, arent you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just means these tasks are designed to test you in the most brutal ways, they're almost cruel. And um..." she swerved ove to the other side of me. "... I'm scared for you. You got past the dragons mostly on nerve, I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time."

"Hey potter!" I heard someone yell. I looked over to see Cedric Diggory. I grabbed y/ns hand, and started to walk away from him, quickly.

"Oh!" She yelped from the sudden movement.

"Potter!" He called again. I could now hear his foot steps speeding up and nearing me.

"Cedric." I responded, still walking hand in hand with y/n. She kept looking back at Cedric like she wanted me to stop. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks as I was still walking, causing her to stop me from going any further.

She gave me a glare. "Have fun, boys." She said, walking away leaving me alone with Cedric.

"She seems..." His voice trailed off as he watched her walk off behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Seems what?"

"Never mind, I came here to thank you for warning me about the dragons."

"Forget about it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me." I said as I started to walk away again.

"Exactly. You know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor?" He asked. I nodded in response. "Its not a bad place for a bath... just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water." At that, he walked away.



I turned on the bath, and water of multiple colors came pouring down from the faucets. It didnt take long until the large tub filled with soapy water.

I took off my robe as I sunk into the warm water. I turned towards the egg that sat on the cold marble tile on the outside of the bath.

"I must be out of my mind." I thought, aloud, reaching for the golden egg and opening it. It fell open, and let out that same loud screeching sound. I quickly shut it again. "I'm definitely out of my mind."

I heard a high-pitched squeak come from one of the stalls. I turned around to see Myrtle coming out of a toilet.

"I'd try putting it in the water, if I were you." She said.


"Oh, hello, Harry. Long time no see. Oh?" She looked up, and over the toilet seat at me, making me gather more bubbles to attempt to cover myself.

She flew out of the toilet, and over the tub. "I was circling a blocked drain the other day and could swear I saw a bit of polyjuice potion. Not being a bad boy again, are you, Harry?"

"Polyjuice potion? Kicked the habit. Myrtle, did you say 'try putting it in the water'?" She dove into the tub, with a scream, and popped her head out of the water, coughing.

"Oh, that's what he did. The other boy." She said, darkly, raising her eyebrows. "The handsome one. Cedric." I quickly grabbed the cold egg. "Well, go on. Open it."

I submerged the egg in the water, and opened it. It let out a faint, yet angelic humming. I took a deep breath, and put my head under the water, too.

"Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took."

I came out of the water, and gasped for air.

"Myrtle? There arent merpeople in the black lake, are there?" I asked.

"Oh, very good. It took Cedric ages to riddle it out." She said, nearing closer to me, as I cautiously moved away. "Almost all the bubbles were gone." She was now sitting right next to me, and growled, causing me to flinch away. She laughed, and rested her head on my shoulder, as I groaned.


(Y/n pov)

"Harry, tell me again." Hermione said as she paced around where we were sitting in the library.

"'Come seek us where our voices sound.'" Harry repeated.

"The black lake. That's obvious." She said as I continued to flip through the book I was looking at.

"'An hour long you'll have to look.'"

"Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic." Hermione said, leaning on a table near him.

"'Potentially problematic'? Whens the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?" Harry snapped.

"Look, Harry, we-- we can do this. The four of us can figure it out.

"Hate to break up the skull session, but Professor Mcgonagall would like to see you in her office." Moody said, coming up behind us. We all stood up. "Not you, Potter and Weasley. Just Granger and l/n."

"But sir!" Hermione started. "The second task is only hours away and--"

"Exactly." Moody said, cutting her off. "Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's rest. Go. Now!"

Me and Hermione gathered our things and made our way out.

Once we got to her office, I noticed that there were two other people here, not including Mcgonagall. Cho Chang and a little, blonde girl.

"Miss? May I ask what we're doing here?" I asked.

"Just, please, have a seat." We both sat down. Hermione had a questionable face on.

Without another word, Mcgonagall held out her wand, and everything went black.

Sorry this is a short chapter lol, but I think you all know what comes next. I'll try to get it up soon

word count: 1020


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