dates to the ball (chapter 7)

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(y/n's pov)

"Look at this!" I said, aggressively placing the newspaper that was in my hand, onto the Gryffindor table.

We were all sitting in the great hall for breakfast. It was nice being back together.

"I cant believe it! Shes done it again." I continued. "'Miss l/n, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey being, no other than the infamous, Harry Potter.'" I read off of the Daily Prophet, angrily.

"Y/n!!" Came that same little, squeaky, annoying voice that I had to live with for 12 years of my life from down the Ravenclaw table.

"What, Cam?!" I yelled back to my 2nd year brother.

Cameron, or who my family calls Cam, is my little, annoying brother. Lucky for me, hes in Ravenclaw which means I dont have to put up with him very much, unlike Ron with his siblings.

"You're dating Harry Potter?!" He said, pointing to the live picture of me and Harry hugging, on the daily prophet.

I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. But luckily, breakfast was chaotic today. People were throwing fruits and talking loudly over one another, so no one was listening in on us argue. Or at least that I could see.

"WHAT?" Another voice came from a different part of the Ravenclaw table. It was my older brother, Nathaniel, better known as Nathan. He was in 5th year, again, lucky for me, he was in Ravenclaw.

Nathan is really over protective. He wasnt happy that I was friends with Harry and Ron for a few years. It's annoying, really. He thinks that I can't handle things myself because I'm a 'HeLpLeSs LiTtLe GiRl', which I'm not. But I mean I get it, I wouldn't want to see him or Cam get hurt either, but still, I'm fully capable of handling myself.

"Shes dating Harry! Look at the paper!" Cam answered.

I buried my face in my hands and groaned. I hate him.

Nathan stole a copy of the prophet from a girl in front of him, and flipped through it. Once he had found, and read the section, he turned and stared at Harry.

"If he hurts you I'll--" he started, turning back to me.

"Were not dating, Nathaniel." I cut him off, sternly.

I turned to Harry. "I'm sorry about them." I said sheepishly, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Its alright." He said with a slight chuckle. "I'm used to rumors by now."

At that, a boy, who looked to be a first year Gryffindor, came up to Ron.

"A parcel for you, Mr. Weasley." He spoke, handing Ron a paper wrapped box.

"Ah, thank you, Nigel." Ron said, taking the box into his hands. He began to open it, but the boy was just standing behind Ron, eagerly. Hermione cleared her throat.

"Not now, Nigel. Later" Ron said pushing him away lightly with his elbow. He was just staring at Harry. Kinda creepy if I was being honest. "Go on." He finally left.

Hermione shot Ron an odd glance.

"I- I told him I'd get Harry's autograph." I snickered.

Ron finished opening his package. "Oh look, mum's sent me something. He pulled out, a long brown robe with ruffles of orange fabric at the ends of the sleeves, with hints of green in it. "She sent me a dress." He said, standing up to see it at full length. People at the Gryffindor table laughed.

"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Harry said.

I dug through the box and pulled out an off-white bonnet. "Aha!" I said, holding it up to his chest.

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