the 1st task (chapter 6)

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(Harry's pov)

Today's the first task. I have a plan, but I'm not sure if its gonna work, though.

I'm pacing around the champions tent, out of nervous habit.

I should be in the stands, cheering for Cedric, but no. I'm waiting to fight a dragon. A bloody dragon.

As I was passing by the entrance to the tent I heard someone.


Who was that?

I walked closer to the covered entrance.

"Psst!" They opened the flap slightly but I still couldn't see who they were.

"Harry? Is that you?" It was a whisper that I recognized to be y/n.

"Yeah." I whispered back.

"How are you feeling? Ok?" I could tell that she was nervous, too.

I didnt reply.

"The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to..." her voice trailed off.

"Battle a dragon." I finished.

There was a moment of silence until she let out a slight whimper. She swatted the tent flap open, and hugged me. Tight. Of course I hugged her back, until I heard someone take a picture.

"Young love." Rita Skeeter said.

Not this bitch again- JDBAJSB SRY

She sighed dreamily as she started walking out way. "How... hmmm... stirring." She pointed to her quill, with her camera man, smiling smugly, behind it. "If everything goes... unfortunately today, you two might even make the front page!"

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Krum said, walking up behind her.

She turned around, her quill slid back into her hand. "No matter. We've uh, got what we wanted." She hit him, lightly, with the green feather quill that was in her hand, and the camera man took one last picture of Krum before him and Rita left.

"Good day, champions." Dumbledore said as he walked through the tent flap behind me and y/n. Trailing behind him were the other headmasters. "Gather round, please."

Y/n intertwined her fingers with mine, sending weird sensations throughout my stomach.

'Probably just nerves.' I thought.

"Now," Dumbledaddy continued. "you've waited, you've wondered, and at last, the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate." He looked down at y/n, and did a double take. "What are you doing here, Miss l/n?"

"Oh, um... sorry I'll just go." She let go of my hand, and left the tent.

"Barty, the bag." Dumbledore went on.

Crouch stepped up. "Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delacour, over here." He dragged her to where I was just standing. "Mr. Krum." He pulled Krum besides Fleur. "And uh, Potter- Mr. Potter, over here." He pulled me next to Cedric. (Oh we all know hes gettin 🦋🦋🦋 rn😭)

"That's right. Now..." He pulled out a large purple bag, and held it open for Fleur.

"Miss Delacour, if you will."

There was hissing and snarling coming from inside the bag. Fleur stuch her hand in, and flinched when she pulled out a small, green dragon.

"The Welsh Green." Barty said. The little dragon walked around her hand, and breathed out a small amount of fire.

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