the arrival (chapter 3)

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(y/n pov)

~time skip~

It was cold and downpouring outside. I was sitting next to Harry, who was looking out the window, on the warm Hogwarts Express, while I was reading the daily prophet with my cat in my lap.

"Anything from the trolley dears? Anything from the trolley?" The sweet, trolley witch said going down the isle.

When she finally got to our compartment, she asked us; "Anything off the trolley, dears?"

"Yeah, a packet of droobles and... a licorice wand." Ron said, standing up to get his candy. He looked down at his hand, and realized that he didnt have enough money for both. "On second thought, just the droobles." He said handing her the money

"Its alright, I'll get it." Harry said, walking over to pay for Ron's licorice wand.

"Just the droobles." Ron responded, declining Harry's offer.

"Two pumpkin pasties please." A sweet, black haired girl said behind the trolley witch. (no cho slander😐🔪)

Harry turned around, and gaped at her, awkwardly, to which she responded with a smile.

"Thank you." She said to the witch, walking away.

"Anything sweet for you dear?"

"Oh no, I'm not hungry thank you." Harry said, bringing him out of his daze.

Harry sat back down, next to the window, slightly smiling.

"Does someone fancy Cho Chang from 5th year?" I said, nudging him with my elbow.

"What? No."

"Harry, I'm not stupid, you were practically drooling over her." I chuckled, looking back down at the paper in my hands.

He didnt respond, but instead rolled his eyes.

"This is horrible. How could the ministry not know who conjured it?" Hermione asked, looking down at her own prophet in her hands. "Isnt there any security or-"

"Loads, according to dad. That's why they're worried about it so much, happened right under their noses." Ron said, cutting Hermione off.

Harry rubbed his scar.

"Its hurting again, isnt it? Your scar." I said.

"I'm fine." Harry replied. I narrowed my eyes at him, but didnt say anything. I know when hes lying.

"You know Sirius would want to hear about this." Hermione said to him. "What you saw at the world cup, and the dream."

"Yeah, I guess."

Harry got out a piece of parchment, ink, and his quill, and started writing to Sirius.

After that, I fell asleep until we got close to Hogwarts, when Hermione shook me awake so that I could change into my robes.

Once we arrived, we all hurried to the carriages, trying to stay as dry as possible.

When we got to the castle, me, Harry, Ron, and Hermione jumped out of the carriage, and dashed up the steps to the great oak doors, and entered the beautiful, torch lit, entrance hall, with its magnificent marble staircase.

"Blimey!" Said ron, shaking his wet head aggressively, spraying us with water. "If that keeps up the lake is going to overflow. I'm soak-- AHH!" A large red water balloon dropped from the ceiling onto Ron's head, exploding. Ron staggered sideways into Harry, just as a second water filled balloon dropped, narrowly missing Hermione, and splattered onto my feet, sending cold water into my shoes and socks.

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