May I have this dance?

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"Our family really out did themselves!" I say as we walk into our reception.
They had cleared out the biggest meeting room in the pack house, they had set up tables and chairs with white table clothes with green vases in the middle with Easter lilies, white roses, and daisies in them. 
They strung up twinkle lights and fairy lanterns from the ceiling.

"Holy moly look how huge the cake is!" I whisper yell into Roman's ear.

"Looks good," he smiles.

It is ten tears, ten.  Well it's a good thing our pack is so huge.  I think to myself as we head to our table to eat.

"Oh my Goodness this is so good!" I moan taking a bite of my food.

"Dont do that," Roman growls in my ear, turning to him I see his eyes flash for a second.

Smirking at him I lean into his side and whisper, "later my love! right now I'm hungry for food!"

"Tease" he grumbles making me laugh.  I return to eating my food, I chose to eat the smoked salmon with sauteed asparagus and mushrooms and mashed potatoes.  Looking out to the pack I see our babies being fed by Grey, mom, Ez (it was that or poppa E), and Dennis.

Looking back at Roman he smiles, "I know it's the first time since they were born that they won't be with us, but tonight it's about us."

He knows me so well.  He leans his forehead against mine, "I love you, Wife," he says softly.

"I love you too, Husband," I smile at him. 

Someone starts clinking their glass pulling our attention back to the room filled with pack members around us.  Looking out towards the direction of the clinking I see its Angel, Roman's Tio.

"I would like to say a toast to my nephew and his bride.  I just want you to know how proud we all are that you will be our next Alpha and Luna.  No matter what is in our future as a pack we are here for you both as we know you're here for us.  Congratulations on your marriage!" He lifts his glass.

"Cheers!" Everyone calls out.

I sip on my cider, since I'm still breastfeeding my little ones, it's a good thing I pumped two days before to stock pile more reserves or my parents would run out of milk tomorrow.  I'm afraid that they will have to start to have nothing but formula soon.

Roman kissing my neck pulls me from my thoughts.  "Babe unless you want give our pack a show, stop that," I pull to the side my cheeks turning rosy.

Letting out a sexy chuckle Roman winks at me, "I was just pulling you out of your head is all," he makes a face that tells me he's teasing me.  Two can play that game.

Unfortunately before I can set my plan in motion they call us to have our first dance as husband and wife.  Unless I want to make my teasing public I will have to wait.

Roman stands next to me holding out his hand, "may I have this dance?"

Smiling I put my hand in his, "yes you may," I say standing.

As we make our way to the dance floor everyone claps and some cheer.  The song starts and we sway to the music.

"Are you happy wife?" Roman smiles.

"Yes, I am, you really like calling me that dont you?" I ask.

"Hell yeah I do, but what really makes me happy is the fact that your name is now Ivy Lunas."  Smiling I tilt my head up and he leans down to kiss me.  Resting his forehead on mine we continue to dance to the music.

After some time passes we cut the cake, Roman tries to stuff it in my face but I manage to get it in my mouth, he on the other hand ended up with some up his nose.  It was so good nice and moist chocolate cake with thin layers of raspberry sauce.

The night seems to go on forever and fly by to fast at the same time.

During the bouquet toss all the unmated she wolves lined up, for them they said it would show who would find their mate next.

On the count of three I tossed the bouquet over my head.  Turning I looked to see who caught it, it was Lissa.  She turned so bright red.  Clapping I went and gave her a hug.

Soon enough the night was over, for our first night as husband and wife our families set up a cabin for us to stay in.  Apparently it's like a vacation home that they have and forgot to mention, but it made it a great surprise.

Roman carried me over the threshold and kicked the door closed making me laugh.

"Now your all mine!" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Laughing I hold his face in my hands, " I've always been all yours," I say then I kiss my husband.  Its starts slow then builds all to soon we break apart  both of us breathing hard.

"Help me get these pins out of my hair," I turn and he starts gently removing them.

Next he starts to help me with my dress telling me how amazing I look in it and out of it.  I help him with his clothes and soon my dress is thrown over a chair his clothes are all over the floor and we are in a mess of sheets.

Moans and sexy groans, the movement of our bodies and our breaths are all that can be heard.

Our married life has just begun and I know I will never have enough of him.

The Dark Witch's Daughter Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora