Giving thanks for new life and asking for blessings on us all?

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After breakfast which was awesome I need to have Roman cook more! My Tia suggested that we give thanks for the blessing of the new life growing within.
After gathering all the things needed, we gathered outside. Mama Nickie, my Tia, and I stood in the middle surrounded by our loved ones.
My Tia spoke with a calm clear voice, "every one gathered here this morning please hold hands and clear your minds, first we most center ourselves connecting to the nature around us." Silently we complied waiting for her to continue, "close your eyes, hear the sounds around us, feel the morning light shining on us giving its gentle warmth. Smell the crisp morning air around us feel the slight breeze as it flows around us. Feel the texture of the ground we stand on, it's our homeland we stand on."
Feeling centered she says, "now we give thanks to the Goddess for bringing us all together, for allowing us to find such happiness. We give thanks for the new lives growing within our loved ones here, we ask that the Goddess' blessing be without end, that we may bask in her love always.
We thank nature thats around us for nourishing our lives, we ask for the continued blessing of its protection and bountiful beauty.

Roman's POV

I opened my eyes and my mate, my mom and my mother in law all appeared to have a beautiful glow about them, looking around I see we all have a warm glow to us. Looking in awe at my family I send out a heartfelt thanks for all that has been bestowed upon us.

Ivy's POV

With our final thanks we speak the last words: "BLESSED BE."
It's like we've been embraced by the Goddess, feel like I've been hugged.
I'm not the only one, the kids all call out various things like "the Goddess hugged me!" "It feels warm!" "She heard us!" They excitedly danced around making me smile.
Roman's arms wrapped me in a gentle embrace. He voiced my thoughts, "I wonder if our pups will look like my siblings do right now." I can feel his smile against me head as he kisses me. "I cant wait till your belly's round with them," he breathes into my hair.
Turning my head I kiss the bottom of his jaw eliciting a contented sigh from him.
"You look like a vision everytime you use your magic, it makes you glow, it takes my breath away leaving me in awe," he says with a gentle smile.
"Your love leaves me in awe of you," I say with a smirk.
Rolling his eyes he kisses me. The kids come up to us wanting to touch my belly, I oblige telling them I think it's too soon to tell but let them regardless.
It's a good day filled with happiness, even so there is a day probably not to far off that is anything but coming our way, please let us be ready and dont let us lose anyone!

The doctor says I'm a six weeks, for those people thinking just say it in months damn it! that means I'm a month and a half along.
I barely have a little pooch of a belly, Roman loves it.
My training has continued, but is more carefully done, so I dont get hurt and dont overdo it.
Lici, Tori, and Mira are with me everyday, they are my best friends, as well as family. They helped me get the room next to my and Roman's ready for the babies, I found out we are having two sets of identical twins. I'm nervous about that but remind myself take it one day at a time. That and we're not alone, we have a huge support system ready and willing to help us.

Roman's POV

"HOLY SHIT! TWO SETS OF IDENTICAL TWINS" I'm bouncing off the walls of my office at the pack house. I would rather I was atleast at my home office, but I wasn't getting any work done. Not that coming here has helped me much, not to mention I was irritating the shit out of Ivy, shes the reason I'm here, she made Sam, Ruben, and Zack, drag me over here. Her exact words were "IF YOU DONT GET YOUR ASS TO YOUR OFFICE AND GET YOUR WORK DONE YOUR SLEEPING IN THE LIVINGROOM FOR A MONTH!!!" So to be a smart ass I went to my office at the house but I kept sneaking out to go cuddle her, ok I wanted sex so sue me! I love my mate and I cant keep my hands to myself let alone anything else. The final straw was when I tried to bug her when she was eating. She not only called the guys, but said if I ever get in the way of her food when shes pregnant again I will be getting VERY intimate with my hand till she thinks I have learned my lesson.
So here I am in my office in the pack house at my desk with a HUGE hard on cause I cant stop thinking of having sex.

LUCA: dude knock it off or we're gonna die

Shut up your worse than me, I grumble at him.

LUCA: true, man I want to feel her walls squeezing us tight, milking every drop out of our balls, as were burried deep inside her, that went freakout the pups right?

Groaning I drop my head on my desk with a bang. Shut up! My door opening is a good distraction, looking up I see the guys. Sam tosses me an ice pack. I catch it with a look that says wtf, cause he laughs, "it's for those blueballs man." I throw it back at him.
The guys all crack up coming in sitting on the couches.
"ASSHOLES" I grumble making them laugh harder.
"We came to help with whatever we can," Zack says, "except jerking you off you can do that," he adds quickly.
The guys laugh again, which only gets louder when I start banging my head on the desk, it's going to be a really long day.

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