There's always hope!

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Roman's POV

"Dad can you and mom come to my office please?" I send him a mind link.
"What's the matter son? Do I need to put the pack on alert?" My dad is worried because one we have been on edge for too long already and two it's still early.
"No just, please?" I ask.
"Be right there, as soon as I wake your mom, wish me luck!" He sounds scared.
I let him hear my laughter over the link.  I gently wake Ivy and in her sleepy voice, which by the way is one of the cutest things ever, "what's the matter it's still early baby let's sleep," she snuggles close to me.  I try again, "Ivy, sweetie we need to go to my office or my parents will beat us there, I have something seriously important to talk about and I need you with me."
Rubbing her eyes she gets up, "ok but carry me so I dont fall cause in still sleepy," she yawns.
Picking her up I head over to my office, I have just sat down on one of my couches with Ivy sitting on my lap, when my dad comes in carrying my mom, the same way I did Ivy.
"What's going on son," mom yawns from my dad's arms.
"Well I guess I will begin with the Goddess visiting me," I say now we ate all wide awake.
After I relay all the transpired in my dream, leaving out just two details that I'm about to share when, Ivy looks in her shirt and pulls out the moonstone the Goddess gave me to give her.
"Its so beautiful," she says in a small voice full of admiration.
"I'm not done yet," I say causing her to look at me.  "First because I know if i dont say it now i will forget later, the Goddess said to tell Serena to listen to her heart and do what feels right and that she will understand what that means.  Finally she told me that I could tell you this, cause it will also give you courage and help you keep your wits about you," I say looking into my mate's eyes.
She nods for me to continue, with a smile I place one of my hands on her belly and said, the moonstone will protect you and our little ones, the necklace cannot be broken and she will be keeping a close eye on you and our pups."
Her eyes widen slightly with tears, she looks at my hand, then back to my face. She does this twice, my parents both are ecstatic, I'm still waiting for Ivy to say something.
She doesn't make me wait long and doesn't dissapoint, "I'm going to be a mama?" She whispers her tears falling down her face.
"Yes, my love, we are going to be parents, are you ok with that? I ask unsure for some reason.
"OK, OK, ARE YOU KIDDING? IM SO HAPPY I COULD BURST! I'm also scared do you think I have what it takes?" She starts off strong and ends in a whisper.
"I know you do! There has never been a doubt in my mind.  Your one of the most kindest, bravest, most loyal people I've ever seen, strongest in both heart and soul, our pups are blessed to have you as their mother, not to mention you are a fierce protector, I pity any who hurt those you care for.  I for one, never want to be on the receiving end of your wrath," I say with sincerity.
Ivy let's out a laugh then shrug kisses me, I can taste he happy tears on my lips.
My mom breaks us for our kiss, to hug my mate pulling back she says in a serious tone, "we should get you an appointment with the pack doctor to see how far a long you are and get you on prenatal vitamins."
After that my mom and mate start talking about getting thing ready and really getting into baby rooms and all the things they need to buy, I started zoning out after.  My dad just rolls his eye shaking his head.
"How are you holding up son?" He whispers when I move over to the couch he's on.
I sigh, "well, I'm excited about being a dad and a little nervous about it too.  Its always been my dream to be a strong Alpha, like you and have pups of my own running around.  With the state of the future being what it is at the moment."  I stop for a second, "I know what I'm going to have to do, the Goddess herself told me the consequences if I deviate from the plan, I just pray I have the strength to do what has been asked of me."
"I will help you son, I know exactly what it is like to feel the way you are now," my dad says in a hushed voice looking at my mom.
I watch two of the most important women in my life talking animatedly across from our more serious conversation without a care, "the biggest challenge in my life "DO NOTHING" it's like a cruel joke," I mutter.
"Like I said I know how to feel, when your mother was taken by that witch a second time I thought I was going crazy, and we didn't know she was pregnant with you and your sister yet," he says with a faraway look.  "We have to have faith son," he his fierce look of determination, "we won't lose them, we just have to prepare her for what's to come."
Nodding I turn my attention back to Ivy, "how bout we get you fed since your so awake," I say earning me a smile.
"Pancakes sound great," she says.
"With bacon!" My mom adds.
"And French fries!" Ivy jumps in again.
"Ooh and chocolate covered bananas!" Mom adds.
Laughing my dad and I stand before they add anything else.
We go to the kitchen sending the women to the living room, then get started, my dad sends a link to Greyson Moss asking him to bring Willow here because we have to talk to her and asking him to stop at dairy stop for the chocolate covered bananas on his way ( it's our version of dairy queen except its run by supernaturals).  Thanking him he shuts the link and stars making bacon and French fries, I'm making pancakes and waffles (they linked me a minute ago for waffles too, I think they are watching shrek).
Ten minutes later Greyson with a tired looking Willow walk into the kitchen, "Alpha here are the bananas, is the Luna having cravings already?" He asks with a smile.
Laughing my dad takes them putting them in the freezer till the rest of breakfast is ready "Yes and shes not the only one."
I turn to Tia Willow, "I had a visit with the Goddess and she told me Ivy is carrying my pups."
That woke her up, "omg where is she? Is that why y'all are up so early? Is that all the Goddess said? Omg I'm gonna be a Nana cuz let's face it shes more my daughter than niece OMG OMG OMG!!!!!" she is now jumping up and down making us laugh.
Greyson even though hes laughing is trying to get her to settle down when my mate walks in with my mom.
"What's all the noise is the food done?" Ivy asks.
"Omg your pregnant!" Tia or should I start calling her my mother in law? Calls out.
"Tia!" Is all Ivy gets out before being enveloped in a huge hug.
It's going to be a really loud and lively morning and its barely 7.

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