Wedding bells are ringing

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Our pups are now six months old and our wedding is tomorrow.  It's been so crazy till now, to think when I moved here with my mom my biggest concern was that the nearby pack wouldn't want us here and that they would hurt us.  Now we are part of this pack and were welcomed with open arms. 
Not only are we welcomed but also loved.  We both met the loves of our lives, I'm marrying mine tomorrow and we already have four children.  Mom is married and we just heard last night that she is pregnant with my sibling.  It's too soon to tell what she is having but I'm excited nonetheless.  Her husband is the father I always wished to have, I still just call him Grey when its just us, but call him Tata when I'm talking to the kids.  I asked him to walk me down the aisle tomorrow and he was so happy he had tears in his eyes, Grey is one of our fiercest pack warriors.  So dont go thinking hes a pushover, it would be a mistake to do so.
My brides maids consist of my sisters: Mira, Serena, Lizza, Lyra, and Vee, and Tori now that her son has been born. My flower girls are Bella, Sage, and Maddie.  My maid of honor is Lici, my first friend here or anywhere really, when I lived in Alaska I was kind of an outcast and kept to myself.
I never would have believed I could be so blessed considering my beginning.  That woman birthing me is the only good thing she ever did, despite her best trys to destroy me completely, she had failed.  I was saved by my mother, loved absolutely by my mate, and found my purpose in my children.  For having started with so little I am now more rich than the wealthiest person out there.
Today I am finally marrying my mate, I'm more excited than nervous because even though, yes I bear his mark, now I will share his name as well.
With my make up finished and my hair done I leave the bathroom to put on my dress.

With my make up finished and my hair done I leave the bathroom to put on my dress

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The girls just came in from putting on their dresses to help me put on mine.

The girls just came in from putting on their dresses to help me put on mine

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Now with my dress on I'm ready to head downstairs.
Grey, who has been waiting at the back door looks up and sees me.
"I'm so proud not only to have you as my future Luna but to be able to call you my daughter, thankyou for letting me have the honor of walking yu pu down the aisle to your mate," Grey sniffs with watery eyes and a huge smile.
"Thank you for being my mom's mate and making her happy," I smile back.
All to soon and nowhere near soon enough the music starts and we take our places and start moving out.  Its Lici's turn next, turning to me she smiles giving me a wink and heads out the door.  Once she has made it to her spot at the front Grey and I start walking.


Man I'm so giddy I'm having trouble standing still, but I manage but just barely.  Sleeping without Ivy last night was more difficult than I thought it would be, thank Goddess I don't have to tonight.
With that thought the music starts, my littlest sisters are our flower girls they look so cut in their light green dresses with white ribbon belts.  They were so excited when we had asked them to do this for us.  My little brothers are dressed like my groomsmen, right now they are sitting with our parents, they brought our rings on a pillow and gave them to Sam my best man.  My littlest sisters now that they are down the aisle and are finished tossing flower petals are going to sit with My soon to be mother in law Willow. 
Shes already in tears but that could just be her hormones, they just told us the other day that they are expecting.  Ivy is over the moon.
Tori and my other sisters have started to come down the aisle now, their dresses are a darker shade of green than the maid of honor and the flower girls.
Lici has started her walk and I glance at Ruben, he has eyes only for Lici, I had noticed Sam was the same way with Tori, and Derick was like that with Serena.
The song has changed and the moment has come for my mate to make her way over to me.  Looking up I see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and shes mine.  Her smile radiates so much happiness, her eyes are sparkling.  One of our best warriors is now going to be my father in law and hes leading my mate to me.
I'm so glad that I'm not drooling cause "hot damn" my woman is sexy as hell, I need to send a thankyou note to who ever made her dress.
Man I can't wait to take it off.  Finally she will have my last name, I cant take the smile off my face. 
Grey takes my hand, and places Ivy and my hands together.
We compromised and have one of the coven elders performing the ceremony today.
"Today we are here to witness the joining of Roman and Ivy, they have been chosen for each other by the Goddess herself. 
Roman do you promise to always love, honor, and protect you mate Ivy all of your lives?
Do you promise to be faithful, in sickness, in health, forsaking all others?" The elder asks.

"I DO!"

"Do you Ivy promise to always love, honor, and protect your mate Roman all of your lives?
Do you promise to be faithful in sickness, in health, forsaking all others?"

"I DO!" She says with a tear rolling down her cheek that I wipe away.

"These rings represent your love for it is never ending," she says.

At the same time we take the rings from Sam. 

"The bride and groom have decided to say their own vows," she nods for us to go ahead.

"Ivy, I have waited my whole life for you.  I thought I new what love was, then I met you and learned it was so much more than I knew.  You have given me four beautiful pups, and made me whole.  I didn't notice that I was missing a vital piece of me till you loved me.  Now that I have you I'm yours Forever, your stuck with me," I say as I slide on her ring.

"Roman, I had a very rough start in life, when I found out we were moving here I was a little worried to be honest, I didn't know if my beginnings would make my life difficult here.  But from the moment you realized that I was your mate you were wanting to be everywhere I was.  You have made me feel wanted, loved, and extremely happy.  Being you mate has brought me so much joy, my family is huge now.  You accepted me without hesitation and when you learned of my past you didn't push me away, you pulled me closer.  I cant even remember what life is like without you.  You have me Forever!" She smiles sliding my ring on my finger.

Her vows brought tears to my eyes, and I didn't think my smile could get bigger.

"With this cord we tie your lives together," the elder wraps our joined hands with a cord.  "As the Goddess gifts of love have been bestowed upon you let no one put us under, So mote it be!"

With that we are free to kiss, so I capture my lovely wife's lips with mine.  The kiss is short but passionate, turning to our guests the elder calls out "I give you, Mr And Mrs Lunas!"

If I thought the cheers were loud when we kissed, I was wrong the cheers are much louder now.  Looking at Ivy, she smiling and looks so beautiful I kiss her again, earning wolf whistles in the process.  Laughing my mate, my love, my Wife says, "let's celebrate with everyone now."

"As you wish my lovely Wife!" I say pulling her with me to our reception.

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