Start from the beginning

"So..." Ophelia started, her voice smug. "You never came back to the dorms..."

"It's none of our business Ophelia." River snapped. He looked as if he was going to smack someone in that moment. The dark haired boy was glaring at Ember through his eyelashes.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... and someone else woke up in somebody else's bed!" Ophelia laughed. Ember smiled, but it turned into a frown when she saw River and knew she couldn't say what she wanted too.

Instead the blonde went with, "Maybe, maybe not." She smirked knowing that it would press all the right buttons on River.

Ophelia laughed, "you naughty girl! I want all the details when mr. Boner isn't here." River pushed the tanned girl slightly.

"I'm born a man and all of a sudden I get boners at everything," he rolled his eyes and both the girls laugh.

"Wouldn't surprise me, men are horny vultures!" Said ember. Ophelia dropped her mouth into fake surprise look.

"You did shag someone last night!"

Ember shrugged. She was loving the whole 'maybe, maybe not' game she was playing with the two. She would be lying three her teeth if she said it wasn't to make River jealous.

"Can we stop talking about Embers sex life please!" River said a little too loudly because some of the tables around them turned to face them. He huffed and Ember turned a bright red.

"Thanks a lot you saggy toe!"

JAMES RAN TO THE TRANSFIGURATION classroom. Ember had so happily changed his jeans and jersey into his uniform. He did however have to run back to his dorm to grab his robe and only half way there realized he could just use 'accio'. So in conclusion, James morning was not as good as Ember's.

He entered Transfusion very dramatically. Nearly all eyes turned to the hazel eyed boy and Sirius let out a loud laugh. James smiled sheepishly at the class and mainly Professor McGonagall. "Minnie! So good to see you this fine evening!"

McGonagall sighed and pointed to his seat next to Sirius. "Mr Potter, nice of you to join us. I would ask where you have been but it is pretty obvious." James smirked and winked and McGonagall, she shook her head with a frown on her face and the class laughed.

James slid into his seat next to Sirius. Peter and Remus automatically turned their heads around, both of them abandoning their goblets they were meant to change into birds.

"Looks like our dearest stag had some fun last night!" Sirius laughed. James shrugged with a smirk on his face.

"It's a secret." Said James. Remus glanced over at him. Not a single love bite was visible on his body, and he definitely didn't have the after-sex glow. He snorted and went back to transfiguring his goblet into a bird.

"Who?!" Sirius demanded, James sushed him.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret."

"Oh you totally had sex!" Sirius laughed out. Peter quickly hushed him and went back to his goblet.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." James shrugged again. The eldest Black glared at him. James smirked knowing that him and Ember had fallen asleep, not have sex. Not that he would tell them that until they were alone in their dorms.

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