Tom Brady for Abigail

Start from the beginning

After Abigail put on her dress, she had grabbed the flowers and stood at the door with her father.

" You know I will never get over the fact that my baby girl is about to leave me "

" Oh, dad I will never leave you ... our family is just gaining a new player."

Her father had smiled down at her then looked straight as the doors opened to show everybody standing up looking at them. He had smirked.

" Well let's get this show on the road "

He had said as all Abigail could do smile at the man that is at the end of the alter waiting for her with heart in hands and a smile on his face.

Tom couldn't believe that he was marrying the love of his life, The holder of his heart, The queen of his kingdom. His everything. He still felt like it was just a dream that hasn't seem to feel like reality. To him it seems like yesterday that he had gotten down on one knee and asked her to marry him, When she said yes he just knew that it was the best day of his life, but he thinks this day, this day trumps all.

As Abigail reached the end of the alter that's when it hit the both of them. This is the start for the rest of their life.

" The couple has written their vows "

That was the queue that Tom was waiting on.

" Who would like to go first "

The pastor said as he smiled at the couple in front of him, Tom had raised his hand slightly and smiled down at Abigail.

" I would "

He had taken out a piece of paper then sent Abby a small smile; he had cleared his throat then started his vow.

" Many of those who know me personally know that I am a man of very few words, but when it comes to Abigail I just get speechless. She makes me choke up in happiness that it just cant be contained. Abby that day that I had ran into you at the park was one of the best days of my life I wouldn't change it for the world. But I think the only thing I would change is the way I asked you out - "

He had paused for a small chuckle that came from both of them when they had remembered how he had asked her to walk with him. 

" But I'm happy that it happened. I don't think anything could come and change the way I feel for you, Nothing and I mean nothing could change my love for you. I love you Abigail, and i would go to the moon and back just to make you happy "

He had smiled at her and wiped away a stray tear that came down her face.

" How sweet, Abigail you're next "

She had nodded and sniffled slightly as she gave her bouquet to her sister then turned back around and took Tom's hands in her's then smiled up at him as she began her vows.

"Tom. Who in the world would have thought that I would have been marrying you today? That day in the park, to be honest wasn't meant to happy, but I'm happy it did. Before I met you I was in the slumps over a guy that we all know and hate, but if it weren't for him I would have never met you, We would not be the great couple we are today. Who would've thought that a trip to the park with my big sister would lead me to the love of my life, The holder of my heart? I love you, Tom Brady. Hehe still feels weird saying that I love a football star."

She had smiled up at the tall six four-man that stood in front of her. The pastor had smiled and continued with the service.

" Thomas Edward Patrick Brady, Do you take Abigail Rosalie Jenkins to be your lawfully wedded wife. Do you promise to love and Cherish her with all your heart, Through joy and through sorrow, In sickness and in health, For Richer, For Poorer, For better, For worse, Through the challenges that may lay a head of you, till death do you part."

Abigail had looked up at him with hopeful eye's praying that he wouldn't change his mind

" I do "

Relief had washed over her as she heard those words roll off his tongue like it was natural.

" And Do you take Abigail Rosalie Jenkins, take Thomas Edward Patrick Brady to be your lawfully wedded Husband. Do you promise to love and Cherish Him with all your heart, Through joy and through sorrow, In sickness and in health, For Richer, For Poorer, For better, For worse, Through the challenges that may lay a head of you, till death do you part."

She had smiled thinking about the road that got them to where they are today all the tough times that they were bashed about being an interracial couple, to the times he was there to hold her hand when she needed him. She was happy that this day was here couldn't wait anymore until she was Mrs.Thomas Edward Patrick Brady. Yea I know right such a mouth full.

" I do "

She had smiled at him, and the pastor smiled at them

" The rings."

Tom turned around to get the ring from Jimmy. He had smiled as he slid the ring on Abigail's finger. Abigail and gotten the ring from her sister and did the same thing then smiled.

" By the power vested in me in the state Boston. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs.  Thomas Edward Patrick Brady. You may kiss your bride."

Claps was heard all around the alter as Tom took Abigail into his arms and kissed her with so much passion; all she could do was smile in the kiss and return what has been given. They had pulled away from each other and smiled; Tom had placed a hand on her face and smiled as he looked into her eyes.

" I love you Mrs. Brady"

Abigail had smiled 

" I love you Mr. Brady "

And from this point on these two will live their life with so much love from each other that maybe a little one or two would pop on the scene... I'm just saying ;)


A/N:: I hope you like it. I was smiling while I was writing this beautiful scene, I hope this meets your expectations 

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