"Mols," Michael tried to stop her, even though there was the threat of not getting laid.

Molly whipped her head around full of anger, "I'm not done yet Michael." She faced Lucy and moved a step closer. "So, just in case you haven't made up your mind, let me remind you of your choices. You can take your grimy self and get the fuck out of our lives, or you can get hit. Take your pick sweetheart, but the longer you wait, the closer I am to kicking you in the ass."

Then, Molly brought her hand back to slap Lucy, but Michael was there to stop it.

"I think it's time that you leave." Michael pulled Molly back so that she was behind him.

"I'll show you the door." Luke interjected, grabbing Lucy forcefully and leading her down the stairs as the rest of us watched.

"Lucy," I had to admit, I felt bad that Molly had just put her on full blast in front of the band; the least I could do was apologize.

Before I could get to the stairs, Molly was up in my face. "What do you think you're doing Calum?"

"I'm going to apologize because you were kind of a bitch to her, don't you think?"

"No, I think that what I did was what you should've been doing." She ran a hand through her hair, "I can't believe that you're so oblivious Calum." Molly now directed her anger at me..

"What?" I couldn't gather my thoughts. Everything was happening so quickly and I looked to see if I could read Peyton's face, but she wasn't there. She must've slipped out while Molly was yelling at Lucy because her room was closed.

It didn't stay closed for long though.

Peyton walked out in new clothing; workout clothes. To be more exact, she was in running shorts, a sports bra, and had a strap around her upper left arm where her phone was. Her hair was in a high ponytail and her least favorite pair of running sneakers were on her feet.

"Hey Pey." Michael greeted her like she was a lost puppy.

"Where are you going?" Ashton inquisitively asked.

"Out." She put one headphone into her ear.

"You changed quickly," Luke noticed as he returned from downstairs.

"Is the cab still downstairs?" Pey pulled her phone out so that she could pick a song.

"No, I just sent Lucy home in it." Luke told her.

"That's fine." Her face was rock solid, not showing a single emotion as she placed the other headphone in her other ear. "If I'm not back in a few hours, call me." She said before she quickly went down the stairs. None of us said anything or did anything until we heard the door close downstairs.

"I think you have some explaining to do Hood, even though I think I know most of what has happened," if you thought that angry Molly was the scariest thing to fight, you were wrong.

Big brother Ashton who had just watched me hurt his younger sister for the millionth time was scarier.

"I fucked up." I told them.

"I don't know how many more mistakes you can make Calum." Ashton warned me.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to us man." Ashton was irritating me. I don't know what he wanted me to say.

"Why?" Luke spoke in a calm voice that made it seem like he wasn't going to kill me in a matter of seconds.

"I was mad at her."

"Let's go downstairs and we can have a family meeting." Michael was the other calm one, which was weird. I guess he had to be calm though because if he wasn't, he would let Molly beat the shit out of me.

We all grouped downstairs by the couches. I was left standing in the middle of the group as they waited for me to start talking. "Peyton and I had gotten into a fight before Luke and her left. It was something stupid; She was hanging out with Luke but I wanted to hang out, just me and her because I knew that I had been neglecting her to hang out with Lucy because Lucy was leaving soon."

"How soon?" Molly interjected.

"Tomorrow." She applauded, "sorry, the floor is yours."

"I was pissed because of that. Like, I thought that she liked me, but if she liked me then why would she not want to hang out with me? And then, Lucy was here and I wasn't being myself and I knew that Lucy liked me and so if Peyton didn't want to be with me, then Lucy could." As I spoke it all out loud, I realized how idiotic I sounded.

I literally just admitted that I thought that Peyton liked me and I went and made out with Lucy?

"Wow." I spoke under my breath.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Ashton licked his lips.

"You're an idiot." Luke told me, speaking again before I could snap at him and told him that I knew. "If you could've just controlled yourself, everything would be fine."

"Why do you say that?" Michael finally said something.

"We were on our way back because Peyton wanted to apologize to you because she felt bad about the whole thing. I even convinced her to hang out with you instead of me, despite her efforts."


Luke just nodded and the house went silent.

"We need to fix this as soon as possible." Luke ran his hands through his hair.

"I think you mean Calum needs to fix this soon." Ashton stood up and left the room.


so hope u like this chapter. thought i would update as i may not update for a couple of days or until tomorrow but any way enjoy your day:)

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