Liu Yusheng stood beside her grandparents, looking at these simple and honest faces with a warm smile on her face.

Thus, in the evening, the Liu family’s small courtyard was lit up with several lamps, and the yellowish light reflected the warm harmony in the courtyard.

With more hands, it didn't take much effort to wash more than 2000 catties of grapes. The next step was to set up a wooden rack, lay the bamboo sieves and spread the grapes out in bunches to dry.

Liu Yusheng spend the whole night like a buzzing little bee, weaving through the adults and bringing them cups of water with Lingquan.

For his parts, Axiu followed her, carrying the kettle and a basket with the cups.

"Nannan, give uncle another glass of water! The water in your house is amazing, it taste different and sweet!"

"Hey! I couldn't agree more, a cup of it soothes me all over!"

"Elder brother Liu, when I come back from work in the future, I'll stop by your house specifically and have a drink if water before I head home!"

"Let's do that, Liu Da, will be worn out fetching water everyday, hahaha!"

Grandpa laughed and scolded,"Our water is also from the village well, but you still find it weird? Fine, you can have a drink if you want! It's no big deal to have the two men here fetch a few more barrels everyday!"

"You promised, we'llhelp ourselves then!"

"Bring it on!"

Through the night, the fits of laughter in the courtyard echoed far and wide.

Liu Yusheng pursed her little mouth and smiled sweetly, dragging Axiu back to the kitchen. She poured water into the clean bamboo cup and handed it to him,"Brother Axiu,have a drink too, you've been on your feet with me all night, are you tired?"

"Not tired" Axiu shook his head and took a small sip of the water in the cup.

Then his eyes lit up.

The water is cool and sweet. After drinking it, ther's a light feeling of warmth from the abdomen to the chest, just as the adults have said. The whole body was refreshed and the fatigue accumulated from the previous work was all but gone.

After looking at Liu Yusheng, and then at the bamboo cup in his hands, Axiu tilted his head and gulped the water in one go, his dark eyes flickering with dark light.

The warmth in his body intensified. He practices martial arts so his senses are sharper than ordinary people. His meridians, muscles and bones are being nourished by the warm current at the moment!.

"Shengsheng..." He called her.

"What's the matter, Brother Axiu? Isn't the water delicious? If you want more, I'll pour you another!" The litte baby looked up at him, smiling sweetly with pure and clear eyes, a penetrating innocence that's transparent at his age.

The question at the tip of his tongue was suddenly blocked.

"It's delicious, I'll have another one"

"Okay" Liu Yusheng didn't doubt him. "Brother Axiu, the day after tommorow, my brothers are on break. If tommorow's wirk is dine, let's go up to the mountain the afternoon after tommorow and hunt fir some bird's nest, shall we? It's fun, and the roasted eggs are delicious! You certainly haven't have it before!"

"Okay" Axiu smiled "Climbing up the tree and pull out the bird's nest, I can"

He had specifically learned how to do it.

The courtyard was blazing hot until midnight.

The villagers walked away, not a single person showed discontent or shouted tired.

After sending the people out of the door one by one, it was too late for the mother and son to go back especially since they live outside of the village. Fortunately, there are still vacant rooms in the house and clean bedding as well as quilts.

Even though Liu Yusheng only helped in delivering water, rushing off her feet all night still drained her little body. She'd been yawning endlessly and while the adults were arranging the vacant rooms, she plunged into her room and conked out instantly.

Axiu walked to the door of her room and leaned against the door frame, looking fixedly at the sleeping little one on the bed with an obscure smile creeping into the corners of his mouth.

It wasn't until he heard the footsteps coming that he dodge away.

He's not used to unfamiliar surrounding, but with his little girl here, that sense of strangeness is insignificant.

The next morning, Liu Yusheng was awakened by a commotion in the courtyard. She got out of her room with disheveled hair and saw a figure guarding the door at a glanced.

He scared her.

"Brother Axiu?"

"Shengsheng" Axiu stepped forward and took Liu Yusheng's hand naturally "I will take you to wash"

"Brother Axiu, I haven't combed my hair yet!" She maybe young, but she wants to look her best.

She has a maiden's heart, too! The taste of letting others see this scruffy look is simply hard to explain in a few words!.

Note this is for Offline reading/purpose only credits to the authors, publishers, editors and translators.

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