"That was nice."

I raised my eyebrow. "What was nice? Me hitting you?" I raised my arm so that I could hit him again because if he enjoyed it, it just gave me another reason to hit him and I was going to take that opportunity.

"No, seeing you smile."

"You act like I never smile."

"Recently you haven't smiled much."

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, you don't have to apologize. I was just stating a fact and trying to prove you wrong."

"You're such a child sometimes."

"Well, I am younger than you, remember? I mean, you remind me all the time."

"I swear to god, I'm going to kill you someday."

"Love you too Pey." Luke pulled me into his side.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I pushed myself off of him.

"So, did you have any ideas of what you wanted to do today?"

"I don't know. I thought that you would have an idea."

"Maybe we can go eat."

"Oh, I could totally go for diner food. Like a milkshake and fries and pancakes and wow I'm going to need to workout after this day." I sighed.

"Don't worry about working out. You're so small and skinny. You're like half the size of my thigh."

"That's a little bit of a stretch, don't you think?"

"I don't think before I say a lot of things so I'm going to have to say no."

"That's weird because you're usually the responsible one of the group and usually responsible people think things out before they say things or make decisions..."

Luke stopped in his tracks and crossed his arms, looking at me. "Well, do you want to stand here and argue with me or find a diner?"

"Diner please."

"That's what I thought." Luke pulled his phone out of his back pocket and searched for a diner until he found one that he decided seemed decent enough and cute enough for what we wanted. I mean, it wasn't like we could just go to any chain diner; it had to be an adorable little one of kind diners.

"Found one!" He announced.

"Lead the way Mr. Hemmings." I swept my arm out in front of me, motioning for him to walk.

"God why am I friends with you?"

"I feel like you ask me that a lot."

"I feel like you never answer me at all."

"If I had an answer, I would totally answer you." We awkwardly stood for a second, "let's go." I pushed him forwards so that he would lead the way.

We wandered around LA, getting lost one of two times but eventually finding our way onto the street that the diner was supposed to be on. We walked down the side of the street, casually strolling as we took our time in no real rush which was weird because we did have a time restriction.

"There is it!" Luke pointed at a silver building that did in fact look like a cute little diner.

"Good choice Lucas."

"I knew you would like it," he laughed deeply.

He held the door open for me and we were seated almost immediately when we got inside. It was busy, which was good because it told me that the place was good enough to a point of where people wanted to be there, but it wasn't busy enough for us to be forgotten.

I've Got This Friend ( c.h )Where stories live. Discover now