2: A friend and powers?

Start from the beginning

Silence followed as Izuku thought over her options, though admittedly it wasn't hard for her, in the short time knowing this alien, he'd shown her more kindness and empathy than she had received in that house her whole life, even including some of her nice uncle and aunts. 'I agree but I've still got to go to school, I can't get into U.A. without an education Venom!'

'Izuku tell me, when was the last time the school actually taught you anything?' Izuku fell silent as she tried to think, 'Exactly kid, you're a genius, I see some memories of your notebooks, the analysis on them alone is on another level but the support gear you design for them, I swear you could patent half the stuff and become rich!' Izuku's eyes widened at that, 'But if it's really education you're worried about, how about I drop some of the information I've got into your mind every now and again, not that you'd need it but I know a few things that would probably rock this world' Izuku smiled at that.

'So Venom, I think we have ourselves a deal!' Izuku says reaching her hand out, which Venom takes after forming a tendril. After shaking the tendril snakes around the girls wrist and a suit starts forming around her, causing her body to seemingly swell and grown to a size taller and buffer than her father. 

'Woah' Izuku says, trying to regain her balance from her new height, 'This is so cool!'

'Yeah kid but that's not the half of it, try take control' Venom says inside her head

'Eh? Where'd you go?' Izuku says looking around for her sentient slime friend

'In your head kid, don't worry about it, just try and take control, think of it like this, I'm the power, you're the one who can manipulate it cause right now it's like a fire with no control.'

'Ok' Izuku says as she controls the goop, after a few minutes she opens her eyes again only to be a lot closer to the ground, 'WOAH'

'Nice kid, you're a lot smaller and less noticeable'

'Thanks Venom... Uhm do I still look like a girl?'

'Why do you a... Kid I'll tell you now, you look badass, even I can't tell your gender at the moment'

Izuku smiled under her mask. 'Thanks Venom'

'Now, time for some training don't you think?' Venom says slight malice in his voice, which Izuku picked up on and gulped.

For the next few hours Izuku's training was relentless, Venom made her practice lifting objects without his help directly. He said he wouldn't help but in reality he was manipulating the development of Izuku's body, shifting her muscles and growth to be set to what it should be as well as giving boost to her base strength. Yeah Venom's idea of little was a little bit off.

'WOAH' Izuku says lifting up a massive tree with ease, 'Venom what did you do?'

'Heh, you figured it out,' Venom said from inside her head, 'Well you know you haven't had the best start to life, as such your body hasn't had what it needs to develop. So I did a little fixing and a small boost to your base strength while I was at it.'

'Venom that's not a little' Izuku said shivering at the thing he called little.

'Really? Well it isn't going to matter much anyways, after a month of this I would say your strength could rival that of your fathers.' Venom says flatly

'Woah, REALLY?'

'Yup but kid you've got to get to work on, tomorrow rest and I'll see what else I can do inside your body but start noting down all those ideas and then we can work on getting you a steady income, got it?'

'GOT IT' Izuku said stars in her eyes.

As the day shifted into night Izuku's sleep was once again interrupted by nightmares, this caused Venom to worry at how casually she shook off the... horrific images even he'd be sick at. Scratch that he was, hard to tell when the sick was just some more goop. 

Izuku had quickly noted down some of her more basic ideas in the back of her notebook, the only one she currently had on her considering the rest were back at her parents house and she really didn't want to go back just yet. Though that didn't mean the receptionist wasn't shocked when she confronted the young girl only to be met with bleeding edge designs. Needless to say the top dog currently in the building was called immediately and a very profitable deal was struck for the both of them.

Izuku would be able to patent them all for free, however she would receive only 75% of what she should have, in return the company would take the other 25%, be able to use any patents put under this deal without paying and they would spread the word, practically insuring the money. A key factor was the fact they would also make a fake identity for her after she revealed limited parts about her past, including the people who birthed her and some the hell she had to go through. Needless to say Izuku Venom was by the end of the day, set to become quite rich.

The man had offered her a place to stay before the money came in but she respectfully denied, saying she could wait a bit longer, this didn't stop him from practically kidnapping her though so he could at least let her eat and bathe. After dinner he gave her some clothes and a piece of advice, he told her not to reveal the truth about Venom since they both knew all to well about the quirkist society they lived in and had both been oppressed due to them lacking such.

He did try one more time to convince her to stay but was shut down once again, in the end he promised to help her set up a charity for the quirkless once she had her feet under her, though after came a very awkward conversation of the mans name.

He laughed it off and officially introduced himself as Shinrai Dekiru(Shinrai being his family name) and both shared another awkward moment as her past nickname was brought back up. Though she settled on calling him Rai, both were quite happy with the final outcome of that day.

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