the hunger games

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"I just can't believe this!" I shout at my book.

"What now?" Zie asks from the kitchen

"The girl is madly in love with the guy but instead of admitting her damn feelings , she IGNORES them! I mean, why? If you feel nervous around him, always screws things up with him and thinks about him all the time then MARRY HIM ALREADY!" I closed the book and sit on the couch.

"Maybe she doesn't know what to think about those feelings." She says coming in my direction

"I don't know, I just think that if it was happening to me I wouldn't waste time denying it."

"We both know that's not true, at all. What if she doesn't know the guy likes her."

"I mean, Ethan is just so dreamy and almost unreal that I kind of get it that it may seem impossible. And He also likes to show his 'love' for her in a different way that may confuse her."

"See that's probably the reason why she acts like that."and she goes back to the kitchen to finish her dinner. "What is the book again?"she yells

"It's called 'Ice cream, Teasing and awkward situations'. It's really really good actually." I say looking at the cover. "Maybe one day when you decide to finally pick up a book that is not from school you can read this one."

Today is Sunday and it's been only four days since we are here. We decided that tomorrow we were going to start doing things.

We agreed that we needed a job. Even if our house was payed we wanted to live on our own responsibility. I suggested Miss Cams store to Zie and she loved the idea. I mean, the woman was already a little old and running a place on her own is kind of a hard work.

We also talked about asking Live if she knows some place where we can practice. No time wasting.

It's almost dark outside.

"Oh hey you." I say petting Coffee "do you like your new home? I like it too. It's pretty and comfy don't you think?" I look at him as if he was going to answer. " Are you tired? Yeah I understand, it was a big day of doing nothing." I laugh and he goes to his bed, and quickly falls asleep.

I was going to turn the TV on when the door bell rings.

"ZIEEEEE" I yelled not wiling to go to the door.

"I know I know, I'm going." She appears and opens the door. "Oh Hi Parker."I don't know why, but right when I hear that name I look over the door and watch as the guy stands on our door step.

" hi Mackenzie, look we are having a little movie night at Live's and we thought you two would like to come." He says with his smile

"Oh that's so sweet. Thank you so much for inventing us, we..." I didn't give her time to continue and interrupt.

"What's the movie?" They both look at me remembering I was there with a weird look on their faces. " What? It's a fair question." I say lifting my hands in surrender.

"We were thinking about watching The Hunger Games, I don't know if you ever heard of." He says with us smile even bigger looking at me, but I ignore it. I jump off my sit and go to the door as fast as I can.

"Oh We are so going to this movie night." I say and they laugh at my enthusiastic reaction.

"Okay, go ahead you two.I will be there in 10. Don't even think about starting watching it without me." Zie says while running upstairs. Oh Zie Zie Zie...

I close the door and start walking side by side with Parker.

"So, Kelly, why LA?" He breaks the silence leaving me a little surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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