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"Are you sure it's necessary?"

"Yes kills, pleaseeeeeee"

Basically , the sun is setting, and we have already decided that we are going to watch a movie, the only problem is that Zie can't watch one without popcorn.

She is like a complete fanatic for it! It's her favorite snack in every single occasion. And correctly I'm the one who is being forced to go buy some.

"Okay then..." she starts clapping and gives me a hug  as a thank you "but I choose the movie!"

"Okay... I will put the Harry Potter's movies "

"You know me so well" we laught and I go out.

It's not really dark so the sky is really really pretty. I guess everything in LA is pretty.

While walking down the street I started looking around. This is really a nice neighborhood. I mean no dogs noises, no loud music, no cars basically... it's pretty cool.

When I finally get to the grocery store I can already see how many times I'm going to have to go to this place. It's full of everything Zie and I like. From candy to popcorn, of course, to refri.

I walk through the door and go directed to the place where the snacks were.

I have this problem called : impatience. When I didn't find the stupid popcorn at first, I started to think about leaving and telling her it was closed. But I didn't have it in me to do that to her. I have to find this.

So I go to the table where you are supposed to pay (sorry I don't know how it's called).

"Hi, I'm sorry but I didn't find the popcorn in the corredor. Do you have any?" I ask to the lady.

"Oh dear let me go see. I will be back in one second ." She looked like a really nice person. I bet Zie will like her.

Suddenly, from the other side of the room, I hear a loud noise like something was falling on the ground. When I look closer... Of course. There was like four guys collecting I don't know how many bottles of alcohol and those types of things.

"Dude ! You are lucky that was made of plastic!" The shortest guy said

"Relax Zack, miss Cam was never going to be mad at us! The maximum that could happen was she ask us to be more careful" the guy who dropped the bottle responded

"Will you too shut up and help us? We can't be late!"the tallest guy said nervously

"He is right guys! If we don't bring the drinks than the party can't start !" The guy with blond hair said and they went back to choose their drinks.

It seems like not even here boys will stop being so...boys!

"My dear! You are so lucky you came, it's our last bag of them!" I almost jump when the lady (who now I know is called miss Cam) came in

"Oh thank god." I start taking my money off my wallet

"Are you new here miss..."

"Oh Kelly, I'm Kelly. And yes I'm new here." She was so nice that I didn't mind talking to her actually.

"Are you on vacation or something?"

"No, I really just moved here with my best friend. We graduated and wanted to do college here. Those are actually for her, she has a "little" obsession with popcorn."

"Well then don't worr..." she got interrupted by those guys that, since I had already payed and was just talking , came to buy the drinks for their party I guess.

"What's up miss Cam!" The guy of the bottle said putting the alcohol in the table

"Hey boys!"she was so sweet! "Not being bad boys right?"

"You know us miss Cam, only good and fun!" The shortest guy gives her an high five

"That is what I wanted to hear " they gave her the money but she in the exact moment looks at me.

"Oh Kelly honey, I didn't give you the exchange." The guys looked like they only noticed my existence now , well...at least one of them did, the tallest.

"Oh no worries miss Cam, you can keep it" I say with a nice, little smile...like me for example that I'm shorter than everyone I know.

"So sweet dear, well thank you and welcome to LA! Feel free to pass by if you ever need anything, and bring your friend so I can meet her too!"

"I will. A good night to you miss Cam" I smile and grab the popcorn and start walking, but something tells me that I have a certain pair of eyes staring at my back cause when I look back the boy who noticed me was turning around so quickly that slapped one of his friends. This started arguing with him like a baby.

It was hilarious if you ask me.

I just laughed and went on my way.

When I got home I was shocked with the best scene ever. Zie had grabbed all the pillows she could fine and all the blankets, and LITERALLY MADE A FORT!

" too much?" I just start laughing remembering that we spend the last hours cleaning but okay

"Not at all"she smiles and comes with me to the kitchen "You know I actually enjoyed going to the store"

"Really ? Why is that?"

"The lady, who's name is Miss Cam, is really really sweet and the store it self has literally everything we need in terms of food and snacks and little things...like toothpaste!" I say and she smiles

"That's good! That way we can always go there and it's closer."

We ended up going watch the movies. Yes movies. We watched four...

But at the end of the forth one my eyes were already closing. However , even if Zie was also sleeping, I stay laying there.

My mind started to wonder, but I must have been wondering so far that , somehow, I pictured a person in my mind.

He was tall, like really tall. What would his name be? How old was he? If he was drinking it means he's older than 18...

Why Am I even thinking about him? He was so stupid! Just like the other guys with him.

I looked at the girl by my side and realized...

I could not be with a better person in this adventure.


Just having funNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ